Feeding seedlings


Active Member
hello, this is prolly a big nub questions but i was wondering when to start feeding seedlings nutes, they are planted in rockwool and the little sprouts/ leave are just appearing, got them under a cfl atm im just wondering how long they can be straight water fed b4 i start to introduce nutes, ty for ur time


Well-Known Member
In rockwool, no feeding at all? I can see that for soil, but I think rockwool's about the same as hydro, and there is nothing in there for them to use to grow unless you put it there. I could be wrong, I use neither method.

Green, have you hit the GrowFAQs?


Active Member
Right now would be a good time to add some mycorhizzae. It is a bacteria that grows on your roots and helps break down and feed the roots. I use it with AMAZING results.


Active Member
In rockwool, no feeding at all? I can see that for soil, but I think rockwool's about the same as hydro, and there is nothing in there for them to use to grow unless you put it there. I could be wrong, I use neither method.

Green, have you hit the GrowFAQs?
well i got 1 cube here one of the small ones got a little seedling just appearing when should i introduce a 1/8th strenght nutes? them being in rockwool and all.

and also i have been basicly using the FAQ's like the bible for these past 2days i will however scan over again for that


Active Member
Right now would be a good time to add some mycorhizzae. It is a bacteria that grows on your roots and helps break down and feed the roots. I use it with AMAZING results.
and also is this mycorhizzae like a root stimulator or is it a sterilizer or both?

also when would u suggest i add my nutes?


Well-Known Member
Mycorrhiza are a group of fungi (soil microbes) that make nutrients more available to the plant as well as stimulating hair-root growth. I honestly don't know how they'd work in rockwool, it seems like there's nothing in there for them to live on as there would be with soil. If you put them into organic, plant-based components they'll likely break them down (myco inoculated soil ate through a big canvas cloth of mine in two weeks). They broke down a color-coded toothpick I was using on one of my clones, the colored part just fell over, the rest of the toothpick has been consumed by the soil microbes. That took two, three months.

If the seedlings are sprouted, then watch them for yellowing, I suppose. As I said, I've never used rockwool or grown hydro, but it just seems to me that those methods would mean you have to provide nutrients when there isn't soil to do it for you, so to speak.


Well-Known Member
hello, this is prolly a big nub questions but i was wondering when to start feeding seedlings nutes, they are planted in rockwool and the little sprouts/ leave are just appearing, got them under a cfl atm im just wondering how long they can be straight water fed b4 i start to introduce nutes, ty for ur time
wait 3 weeks before doing 1/8