Feeding is really dependent on the plant itself and what the soil is telling you. Get an EC meter and water with plane RO water check the run off PH and EC. once you know that you can start to adjust im using Promix HP and my run off i keep it right around 3 but this number could be way to strong for your plant.
Use what ever fert you want just just your EC if you end up getting a super high number in your run off you could be burning your plants. If your ph in soil is not between 5.8-7 then you need to adjust the water ph to help get it there you can also put buffers in your soil if you need too.
But generally no you are not going to feed every time you water. depending on the size of plant you could be watering once a day or once a week there are a lot of variables. I tried to feed every time and my plant wasn't consuming it fast enough and i started showing signs of N toxicity so I backed off and now I just do Feed, plain water, Feed, plain water etc