feeding nutes twice

I have some girls week 4 of flower, i gave them clean water for 3 waterings since they seemed to have a little high ec in the runoff, i fed them half strenght nutes last watering, but they seemed to have yellowed a little since then(they where flush green before), is it cool for me to give a little more nutes next watering 3/4 strength to fix this? or do i have to give clean water, then feed nutes the watering after that?.


Well-Known Member
Stop checking runoff .... everytime you run volumes of water just to “ check “ it ... you end up LEACHING ( diluting ) the medium of nutes and end up unbalanced.
Stop checking runoff .... everytime you run volumes of water just to “ check “ it ... you end up LEACHING ( diluting ) the medium of nutes and end up unbalanced.
ye, its just theese girls, had some sisters and i put them in the flower room 2 weeks before theese, and they got burnt to shits, thats why ive been a little paranoid with theese. i solved the issue with the other ones tho, i dident give enough runoff, that caused a build up in the soil.


Well-Known Member
I have a sour kush in happy frog that started yellowing a little around week 5-6.

Fed 2.5ml of cal mag and feed 1 time and she was green later that day.


Well-Known Member
allright, il feed full strenght. but its not an issue for me to feed nutes twice in a row, in this situation?, im growing in soil.
Generally bottle guidelines say... use loads of our product.... so inwould tend to do 1/2 strength... and yeah you can do every water if you like. I would tend to alternate tho
Generally bottle guidelines say... use loads of our product.... so inwould tend to do 1/2 strength... and yeah you can do every water if you like. I would tend to alternate tho
yea, i like to alternate also, its just they seem hungry atm, so feeding this watering seem like the right option in this situation. Just wanted some input on what you guys thought about it.


Well-Known Member
yea, i like to alternate also, its just they seem hungry atm, so feeding this watering seem like the right option in this situation. Just wanted some input on what you guys thought about it.
Got pics? You sure they hungry and not locked out?
Got pics? You sure they hungry and not locked out?
yea, ive given clean water for 3 waterings, they where flush green before i gave nutes, i gave half strength nutes now, and that turned out to be 1 ec total, and thats including base nutes and budbooster. the leaves lower on the plant is dying out and yellowing so im pretty sure its not a lockout.