Feeding in flood-n-drain


Well-Known Member
Is it better to feed at more frequent times for shorter duration? Or less frequent for a longer period.
I have been feeding 5 times at 15min flood times during flower.
Just curious as to the times people feed at in this type system.
Any input will be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Sorry for delay Deetee, was hooking up new tray and res.
I'm running a flood n drain system with 2x4 trays. I cut pieces of plywood to fit upper part of trays that keep net pots about 2 in off bottom of tray. It keeps root zone cooler and allows more root growth.
I use hydroton as medium in net pots. If you want a pic to get better idea I'll be glad to take 1 for you.


Well-Known Member
lets see a pic, but if u got them in net pots an can lift them easy way to work out is weight a net pot dry an wet drain an wait just before gets dry then u know.

room temp an humidity an size of the plants will play a big part in this so there is never a perfect answer


Well-Known Member
I've used hydroton and currently using rockwool grow cubes, both absorb very well, tho I grow in pots I only feed twice a day, and the medium doesn't dry out a bit, not sure it's needed to flood for 15 mins nor 5 times a day, but that's for you to decide, as long as it works for you.


New Member
I got rid of all the rocks, perlite and the mess by dropping a slab of rockwool in a tray and growing on it. Once a day 3 litres of nutes, either top feed manually or flood the tray once a day. One 12x8x3 slab will hold a pound plant easily, even watering only once a day...JAS


New Member
Nice! 5-15 min. floods sounds about right. As long as ALL your roots are getting wet with the flushes I would not change a thing. Your buds say the same thing;-)...JAS


Well-Known Member
Thanx, the net pots are roughly 3 in above bottom of tray and I've got drain set up to where it floods bout 2 in deep. The lower roots end up completely covered.
Usually I end up with a 2in thick carpet of roots covering bottom of tray.


Well-Known Member
I've also thought about insulating the bottom and sides of trays to keep the root zone cooler.
I'm stuck between insulating the tray, or building like a structure that seperates bottom part of trays from grow area.


Well-Known Member
I run a flood and drain and actually have my pumps running 24/7 now after trying many schedules. The girls seem to like it so i have not changed it back! My pots r 3" inches off bottom with a 5" flood so two inches up into the pot. I have no air pumps as well. Not saying this is better lol just what i do!


Well-Known Member
Lol, sounds the same as I have my pots set. I dont flood up to the level of the pots though. I flood mine to bout an in from bottom.
I had originally checked out trays at the hydro shop, but they were way over-priced. So I went to lowes and bought their large mortar mix trays for 11 bucks a pc.


Well-Known Member
nice table ;) I have the same design with a 4x8 tray. I run 15min every hour «light on» 15 min every 3hours «lightoff»


Well-Known Member
Yup bought my totes at Canadian tire total setup was $100? For totes, pots, and water pumps, basically everything! I have 6 plants in each and designed my pump nozzles to floom as well.