feeding hydro


Well-Known Member
just want to learn as much as i can. i pretty much know whats up but would like to know what im giving them why and what it does. just interested and want to learn more.


Well-Known Member
To answer your question......YOUR HERE !...just need to ask the right questions & hope the right people are online at the time or check back later for replies.


Well-Known Member
well first choose a method of hydro.. then.. study how it works,then learn about propagating in that medium, then learn about ppm and ph in that medium.

Thats a good start


Well-Known Member
KISS. (keep it simple stupid)

hydro is simple. don't overcomplicate it. start on a low ppm and monitor your solution to see what your plant is using.

plants will only use what they need from the solution and they put the rest back.
so if the ppms are dropping your plant is using more nutrient than water so you can feed stronger.
if the ppms are staying the same then your plant is using equal amounts of nutrient and water and the feed strength is spot on.
if the ppm's are going up then your feed strength is too strong and you are in danger of doing damage.


Well-Known Member
there are many methods, do the one you are most comfortable with, and the mone you enjoy most, not what some one told you do do..

look around find the one that most interests you and do it