Feeding / flushing problems. help?

So im on a feeding schedule where I feed than water every 2/3 days. Every time that I flush I get edges of the leaves pointing north & some of the smaller new growth looks like its twisting upward. I do adjust my ph to 5.6 -5.8 because im in coco peat. Should I be adding a Cal-mag when I flush? I use Cal-mag when I feed. I appreciate any info, thanks.
after about three weeks of veg I flush every other feeding. I find it keeps my girls greener throught when im using coco. Im also using cyco nute line which recommends this feeding schedule but I use this feeding schedule for all nute lines.


I usually add cal mag and RO water at the first sign of any distress so I can rule it out quickly if the problem persists. It is not uncommon for leaves to reach upward after a watering but if the edges are curling upward than there may be a different problem.

I get the edge curl issue with heat. Adjust the light distance from the plants and keep them cool for a bit.
It's not heat, the room bounces from 68-75. & the hoods are cool to the touch. I'll feed tmw wit cal mag & hopefully my problem is solved

Dr Smith

Active Member
You can always call the folks who provide your water to see what's in it. If it lacks Calcium or Mag. you've got your answer. I add it to my H20 feedings as it's not really in the tap when it comes into the building..
Ive always used cal mag when I feed. My question was should I use calmag when I flush since my feeding schedule is feed than flush every 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
Yes. Use cal mag when you flush, or at least for the last gallon you run through so it doesn't get depleted. I never flush with plain water. I always add cal mag and micro nutes on the last gallon I put in. Since it's not a true flush (lots and lots of water to remove build up).

Sent from Northern Colorado.


Well-Known Member
I guess what I'm saying is its not really a flush that your doing. Your just doing nute-water-nute-water cycles. Which is good. So on my water turns in the cycle I add micro nutes and cal mag. Then I don't add micro notes with the feed. Make sense? Or am I not understanding your feeding cycle?

Sent from Northern Colorado.


Well-Known Member
I use a kelp extract that's all full of goodness but had no fertilizer in it. I think its like .3/.25/.2 or something. So none of the major nutes. You can find lots of stuff that will give plants a boost, just stay away from actual ferts. Its more of a supplemental thing, vitamins and such. The one I use is Age Old Kelp. And the cal mag of course. I also use humic acid sometimes during "water only feedings". Humic aids plants in micro nute uptake.

Sent from Northern Colorado.