Feeding during a soil grow.


Active Member
Never done an indoor soil grow. Did a couple hydro grows. I know i'll get an eye roll from some but using miracle grow soil mixed with black cow manure. 25 gallon grow bags, How often do you feed other than water? I would assume nothing should be needed for a while. I have some left over Advanced Nutrients, big bud, overdrive and bud candy, cal mag. I am using a HLG 650R which I believe caused some issues in my last grow. Was my first grow with LED. Had been using CMH with same nutrient schedule and zero issues. I know the LED can cause a need for more cal mag. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks
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Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I would get a big bag of worm castings and then top dress and/or brew aacteas with it. Give a worm tea maybe every 2-3 weeks. For bloom phase push in a few Jobes organic spikes per container. Assuming you plan to keep them in the 25g for the duration; could sustain them with just plain water for long awhile. You could always hit em with nutrients if they start get pale.