Feedback please


Active Member
right ill just get straight to the point, any feedback will be appriciated.

starting 7 ghs cheese, gonna go for 8 weeks veg, first 6 weeks under 300w cfl 1.5gal pots, soil, last 2 weeks under 400w mh transplanted into 4gal (yes i know going the full 8 under the mh would help but i cant for a reason) then flip them over to 600w hps for the last 8 weeks, also im going to be topping and doing some LST during veg. Temps and humidity will be as should be throughout.

What i would like on is feedback on if the 300w cfl will be ok to use for 6 weeks of veg?

What sort of yeild would you expect dry from that? Im working with a 1.2m area.

stay lifted brothers!


Active Member
600w for 7 plants is not going to make for a satisfactory end result IMO. I would suggest twice that for 7 plants. You could use you 400w MH alongside and probably be OK if finances dont allow for anouther 600w. Dont get too caught up in the "MH for veg and HPS for flowering" paradigm. I use both for my flower room and know lots of growers that swear by MH for flowering 100%. Your veg schedule seems fine(doable) to me.


Well-Known Member
The 300 won't be enough to give good coverage for that long of veg. If you keep the canopy even the 600 will do fine in the space you have, just gotta keep them even.


Active Member
The 300 won't be enough to give good coverage for that long of veg. If you keep the canopy even the 600 will do fine in the space you have, just gotta keep them even.

ok how long veg would you say the 300w cfl would be good for?! Would i be better to just veg and flower with the hps? im
just going through as many options as possible at the mo.

Thanks for the feedback guys i appriciate it man!


Active Member
what would you class as satisfactory?! What would your estimate be dry weight?
I really cannot answer that question because I have never tried anything like that. But just for comparison I use 2X 600w for every 6-8 plants (depending on the strain size). But my limitations are on plants per patients because I have plenty of room/lights. so I have each flowering area in my flowering room with that set. I couldn't even imagine fitting 7 plants into the size area you have there. Maybe with smaller confines you could get away with less watts. Like I said I dont have that kind of experience.


Well-Known Member
I would, if not you're going to have some stretchy plants which will only complicate things more in flower as they're prob gonna dbl in size when you flip. You only have 4sq ft, which is gonna be tough anyway with that plant count.. You're prob better off to go with a shorter veg time like maybe 4 to 5wks tops.


Active Member
I really cannot answer that question because I have never tried anything like that. But just for comparison I use 2X 600w for every 6-8 plants (depending on the strain size). But my limitations are on plants per patients because I have plenty of room/lights. so I have each flowering area in my flowering room with that set. I couldn't even imagine fitting 7 plants into the size area you have there. Maybe with smaller confines you could get away with less watts. Like I said I dont have that kind of experience.
ok thanks for your feedback


Well-Known Member
Check out some of the sog grows. That's prob your best option if you're gonna run that number.


Active Member
I really cannot answer that question because I have never tried anything like that. But just for comparison I use 2X 600w for every 6-8 plants (depending on the strain size). But my limitations are on plants per patients because I have plenty of room/lights. so I have each flowering area in my flowering room with that set. I couldn't even imagine fitting 7 plants into the size area you have there. Maybe with smaller confines you could get away with less watts. Like I said I dont have that kind of experience.
yeah thats what im gonna be doing sorry i should of mentioned, im going for SOG. Thanks for the replys dude!