Feedback on this new plant?


Active Member
Hey anyone got any suggestions or feedback on this? Yellowing towards the bottom so I may have to flush it and use distilled water with less Fox Farm grow big, but the new growths seem to be coming in quickly and nicely. Fimmed yesterday and Fimmed again today.



Well-Known Member
I would put it in a bigger container, give it a good water and take clones next week..and chill with all that string and tape for a week or 2.


Active Member
dude theres something no right.....looking more like a cabbage the the environment its in like....have you over watered it now??? yeah repot it too its a good time now


Active Member
Could it be too hot or not be getting enough Co2? Is that a possibility to the reason it looks this way?


Well-Known Member
I think that is just the strain..some grow like that..those are the ones you have to wait a bit on before cloning...those are also the ones that don't really need to be LST'd .


Active Member
I definitely am going to keep these strings on. they're training it to grow the right way so that the light penetrates properly and that the new growths grow, proof in the fact that they are growing so quickly compared to my other which is not tied at all. the strings are legit. i think it is a co2 issue and/or over fertilizing.

I will definitely transplant it into a bigger container in a week once the fimmed growths develop. I don't want to shock it during this process when I've already given it a little stress by making snips. I am sure that a bigger container will cause it to grow a lot faster.

Where should I make the clone snip?


Active Member
In a week it'll look like she's enjoying it. I just finished the initial ties. Now it's going to grow sideways pretty good and the leaves will all begin to grow upwards and it'll look great in a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Hmm yeah a bigger pot would probably be beneficial for sure, something seems to be holdin her back.


Well-Known Member
Why keep asking ?'s if you have your mind made up?...I have all my plants tied down..I am not against LST plants..just THAT plant at THIS stage...You want to take a decent size cutting on the lowest part of that plant for clones..they are just too small now...repot it and give it a week n clone can train a plant at any is easier to bend and tie down when the plant is bigger and healthier.


Active Member
Because last week I was told to tie it and how to tie it. It's a little over a month old. I guess these pots are better for clones/SOG?


Repot her, check your temps and humidity and go easy on the nutes and you will be blessed im only on my first but its working for me :)


Well-Known Member
much better, now let that plant fill out the pot before you star tying her down..give it a week - ten days...just ph'd water and she will look great.