Well-Known Member
So, I don't know what you do for a living, but if you aren't making pictures like this for at least some kind of income, you need to reassess your decision making paradigm.
Beautiful work.
LOL, thanks man!
I'm actually an early-retired Senior Software Engineer/Database Developer. I also developed web sites. I'm also a disabled vet, which is part of why I retired early. But I love anything and everything tech. It's in my genes, I swear, because my dad does the same thing! I've been playing around with 3DS and Sketchup for a while. It's my art, I guess. But I'm waiting a couple months before I start building this, so I had time to really figure out what I want to do, based on all the problems I ran into in the past lol
Anyways, it's going to be one of my "projects". Should be fun to work on.