Feedback on Multi-Doser wanted


Active Member

Thanks for checking out this thread! First, I'd like to apologize for the long post. I've been working on this project for a few years now, in one form or another and I wanted to include as much detail as I could to get some constructive feedback.

First I'd like to give a little background...

I was using about 10 Advanced Nutrients products (Veg, Flower, Big Bud, Nirvana, etc, etc). At one point, I tried to maintain a perpetual garden. This involved maintaining plants in about 5 or 6 stages.

Naturally, different amounts of nutrients are needed for different stages of growth. Measuring & pouring out nutrients became a mind numbing experience. I was always spilling some and always cleaning up a mess. (I'm always worried about my cat licking up or 'tasting' a drop I missed)...

Then there are the times I forgot what I added last, or added too much of something.... Girlfriend nagging me and I lose count... I'm sure I probably forgot to add something at one point or another. My point is basically, I have a hard time measuring out my nutrients.

I looked at some dosers out there, but they were either inadequate, made for aquarium use, or simply too expensive for me. Something with 10 pumps ran in the neighbourhood of $2000. I don't have that kinda change, sooooo. I decided to build my own doser.

20210114_164707.jpg doser-v1.jpg

It started off as a small 5 pump doser, (Early version of software above) but I wanted it to do more. Don't get me wrong, it will work fine as a doser, but if you add a few sensors, it can do a lot more.

So, I added a bunch of sensors to the doser; light, temperature, humidity, EC, and pH. Updated the software a bit and now the system can mix up a perfect batch of nutrients, adjust the pH, and feed the plants,.

All I have to do is pick the 'profile' I want & press the "RUN" button. The screenshot below is an updated version of the software, but it is missing the "adjust pH" checkbox since it's a pretty new feature.
  • Basically, you add each pump, calibrate it, configure it, enable it, and save it.
  • You can duplicate your pumps for a new "profile" (different combination of nutrients). Flower, Veg, Week 1, Week 2, etc, etc.
  • You can add and choose a channel to feed for multiple gardens, otherwise it defaults to channel 1.
  • My software uses the pH sensor to automatically adjust the pH to your ideal level.
  • You can also have it automatically feed the plants after the nutrients have been mixed and adjusted. (work in progress)
  • Gauges for the sensors are tappable, and give a graph of past readings. (work in progress)
  • Controls 5 wireless 120v outlets (work in progress)

Multi-Doser-v2.jpg Screenshot_20210221-212733_MultiDoser.jpg temperature-gauge.jpg

This is what happens after I press RUN:
  1. 1 gallon of water is pumped into a bucket
  2. A magnetic stirrer begins stirring the water
  3. Each nutrient is dosed into the churning water
  4. EC is measured after all doses have been dosed
  5. pH is measured, and automatically adjusted to your ideal pH level
  6. Bucket of Nutrients is then feed to my Coco coir garden
(This system is basically designed for taking care of a "dirt" garden. I have another system for monitoring a reservoir and maintaining a "CAP" type bucket system w/ control bucket)

I would like to eventually build these "To Order", and I'm in the process of prototyping a circuit board so I can pack it up all in a nice box.

But I'm doubting myself again and would like to know if you think this is a good idea and if I should run with it.

It would be greatly appreciated and valued to me if you give me some good constructive feedback, or even a little encouragement:

A fraction of my expenses so far are around $300 to build a basic 10-pump doser without sensors. The optional sensors cost another $300-$400 maybe in total.
Plus a shit-load of soldering and programming on my part.

1) What do you think of my software layout? Anything you hate about it? Anything you especially like about it?
2) If you could add a feature, what would you want? Scheduler? Notes? Alarms? Maintain Reservoir? Brew Beer?
3) How much money would be a deal breaker for the complete system? Is $500 too much, $750 too much, $1000 too much, $2000?
4) How much money would you be willing to pay, hypothetically?

Some things on my todo list:
I want to add Climate control using the wireless outlets, for example, if it to cold, the heater is switched on. If it is too hot, the Air Conditioner is turned on.
I'd like to add a clock & the ability to schedule feedings. (Although this might not be feasible due to the controller (phone) and doser being separate machines.)
Build a 3D-printed shell for the pumps and electronics.

I'm sure I forgot to mention something, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. :)

Any other feedback would greatly appreciated.


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This is badass! I’ll have to read thru this in the morning when I’m not half asleep!!!! 10 pump doser for less then a 1000 will be a game changer if the quality is up to par! Good shit keep it up
Sounds good. I set up a PC controlled thin film system for a 24/7/365 Herb farm. Even had pH control.
ED R designs and sets up whole systems like this. Yup, that ED R, from the grow book.

He would also tell you to do what I'm about to.
DITCH that AN pile of unneeded boosters and supplements!
Go to a simple and quality 3 part system.

I might suggest BOTANICARE's KIND line... BASE - GROW - BLOOM.
This is badass! I’ll have to read thru this in the morning when I’m not half asleep!!!! 10 pump doser for less then a 1000 will be a game changer if the quality is up to par! Good shit keep it up

Thanks very much milehighgreenthumbbb for the encouragement and the feedback!!

Getting the doser under a grand should be no problem. A big part of the cost are the "10 x pumps", and like you say it's all about the quality. Now that you say that tho, it might be a good idea to give the buyer an option of pumps to pick from... Thanks!!
Sounds good. I set up a PC controlled thin film system for a 24/7/365 Herb farm. Even had pH control.
ED R designs and sets up whole systems like this. Yup, that ED R, from the grow book.

He would also tell you to do what I'm about to.
DITCH that AN pile of unneeded boosters and supplements!
Go to a simple and quality 3 part system.

I might suggest BOTANICARE's KIND line... BASE - GROW - BLOOM.

Awesome! A fellow 'techie'! Your systems sounds cool. I tried to automate a grow w/ a "CAP EBB & FLO" type system. When it worked, it worked great. But there were always these little gremlins playing around it seemed.

Like the time, the back of my pump came off, floated to the top, and somehow got intertwined into my float. I couldn't believe how tight a fit it was trying to separate them, yet it floated in there somehow. Murphey's Law I guess.

I like your comment about Botanicare. A friend recommended AN, so I thought I'd give them a try. But yeah, pretty expensive. Is the Botanicare line doser friendly? Nice liquid form?

Awesome! A fellow 'techie'! Your systems sounds cool. I tried to automate a grow w/ a "CAP EBB & FLO" type system. When it worked, it worked great. But there were always these little gremlins playing around it seemed.

Like the time, the back of my pump came off, floated to the top, and somehow got intertwined into my float. I couldn't believe how tight a fit it was trying to separate them, yet it floated in there somehow. Murphey's Law I guess.

I like your comment about Botanicare. A friend recommended AN, so I thought I'd give them a try. But yeah, pretty expensive. Is the Botanicare line doser friendly? Nice liquid form?


Yes, I find the line as being very user friendly. The ability to change or tailor the dose to the plant is infinite. I use the bloom and base mix for bloom at a simple rate of 10ml per gallon. All bloom long. I might at the flip give them 12ml of base twice (two days worth) and then it's right back to the 10 ml..

Organic sourcing makes for a bit of a pH drop at mixing with RO but very manageable (I find this is due to Bloom component) so your warned on that.

My BFF and I used to make our own controller's for Ebb systems. They out preformed the CAP's and the Spartan's. Of course we used better sourced parts to build them.....I still got a cpl of those in my parts and pieces storage...

When I was running SOG's I used Ebb tables with simple systems that had the res below them. Pump would deliver through the drain hole and hold depth with a raised drain vent. Time out and the solution would flow right back through the pump and be done. Rockwool was the media. That was nice. All you had to do was top offs and pH check's....

Called ED the day I was offered to design the herb system. He supplied the basic system and I had to do the connecting and set up design for the operation's floor plan. Simple system and the thin film made the pH control easy peasy. The final set up and calibration was pretty straight forward.
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