Feedback needed for new Growing device


Active Member
Hello folks! I hope this is the right place to post this.
Im creating a device to help new growers get started growing and to help those already growing.
Its a grow controller that lets you control and device, read sensor data, take pictures and keep journals of current and past grows. I created a website to better explain this idea.
The website is :
Nothing to sell here guys, just trying to get feedback from fellow growers and people that are building their grows, see if people need/want a device like this one before I commit to further developing this idea.

Thank you!!
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Well-Known Member
Got any Video's of it working? Also can you do sunsets and sunrises ( auto dimming )?

What type of processor/chips will be running this? What is the max load that can be plugged into this?

If something like this was done top notch it would be very interesting esp if it had state of the art Software.


Active Member
Got any Video's of it working? Also can you do sunsets and sunrises ( auto dimming )?

What type of processor/chips will be running this? What is the max load that can be plugged into this?

If something like this was done top notch it would be very interesting esp if it had state of the art Software.
@Uberknot No videos yet, soon! I planned on adding dimmers, but I thought it would be more cost effective for the 'everyday grower' to buy dimmers in the form of accessories or even build their own and plug it in (the software will allow for that in future versions, not 1.0 however).
It runs Linux and our grow software as interface (pics soon), the parts list is not set in stone yet, but we have been prototyping with RaspPi so it should be something similar in power and architecture. We are using 15 amps relays for each port.
Thank you for the feedback! Any more questions you have, ideas, suggestions just let me know, helps a lot!

As for design, what do you guys think about this concept? This is not mine, its just a concept and it was designed by from Eduardo Santos ( but I really love his work.