Feds to shut California Dispensaries

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I said it before the last presidential election, and only now are some people realizing and accepting it, including MANY Democrats, that Obama was not experienced enough to be president, that he was not qualified to be president, that he was a hollow suit, a facade covering a socialist imbecile who wanted to, and is, following in the failed footsteps of the failed socialistic European nations.

Obama, and his ilk, do not understand that the strength of the U.S. has always been the private sector, free market enterprise. Obama and his political pirates believe that the public sector, the government, should oversee and or run as much of the nation as possible, right down to picking which businesses are worthy of 'winning' and which businesses deserve to 'lose.'

Businesses are sitting on trillions of dollars of capital. They could expand, they could hire, they have the needed funds for both, and doing so would perk up the economy greatly. But they will not do either as long as they live in fear of Obama's business strangulating regulatory policies. They will not risk losing trillions of dollars of capital on a socialistic whim or touchy feely whim of Obama's. Obama is anti-business. He has proven himself to be so time and time again.

Obama claimed to care for 'the people' so much that he pressured Congressional Democrats to ram though his ObamaCare, a totally partisan piece of legislation and a totally partisan vote, and claimed it would lower healthcare costs. This year alone, due to ObamaCare, healthcare costs have risen 9%. What is scary is that the overwhelming majority of cost increases are yet to be seen because most of the legislation will not be enacted for another year to two years. When that happens, that is if it is allowed to happen, healthcare costs will skyrocket, and 'the people' Obama claimed to care for enough to demand this Frankenstein's monster legislation be passed for will suffer greatly. The icing on the cake is ObamaCare is costing people their jobs, and will continue to cause others to lose their jobs. Plus, the additional debt burden on the nation could be the straw that breaks Uncle Sam's back.

So, many will suffer in many ways, just as many more will suffer due to Obama shutting down medical marijuana dispensaries. People who are in real need of medication will be denied that medication by Obama.

But Obama still claims he loves 'the people' and loves the nation and is working as hard as he can to do the best that he can to make things better for both. It has become far more than just crystal clear that Obama's best is not good enough for the nation or for it's people.

Campaign contributions have not been flowing into Obama's campaign war chest like they did in his last campaign. He has been struggling to bring in campaign funding. It will be interesting to see if campaign contributions from major pharmaceutical corporations to the Obama campaign have, or yet will, increase over his previous campaign. If so it would be a smoking gun that Obama and major pharmaceutical corporations struck a deal. They provide Obama with increased funding and in return for the donations Obama kills medical marijuana. It is common knowledge that if there will be any medications derived from cannabis that Obama wants it to be totally under the control of both the federal government and major pharmaceutical corporations. The major pharmaceutical corporations would create marijuana based derivatives from marijuana that would be grown by the U.S. Federal Government and purchased from the U.S. Federal Government and major pharmaceutical corporations and only major pharmaceutical corporations would have the legal right to possess marijuana in any form, to research it, create medications and distribute for sale the various medication. The only way that can fully happen is if medicinal marijuana at the State level is killed.

Again, Obama wants his much beloved socialist control and he also wants to pick who 'wins' and who 'loses,' based of course on which he deems to be worthy of 'winning' or losing.' Clearly Obama feels very strongly that medical marijuana patients deserve to 'lose,' as do all those who supply medical marijuana patients with the medication they need.

The madness must end. Obama needs to be replaced in the next election.
Bill Hicks summed it all up...



Brick Top

New Member
Dude, this sucks. My wife and I, who is 7 1/2 months pregnant, are getting kicked out of our place. We were straight up from the front with the landlord about everything from the beginning of living there. Now of course its not ok. This is also my job. Thanks Gov, things arent hard enough already.
Sadly, you and your wife are not alone. Obama has brought much suffering to many, many people of the nation and he will bring much, much more suffering to many more people before we are allowed to replace him. He will deny people of their medication and he will put many people out of work and he will cost many businesspeople the capital they invested in opening and growing their businesses.

If that is not enough, States, Counties and communities will lose much needed tax revenues due to Obama's evil insanity. With the desperate need to increase tax revenues, at every level, federal included, medical marijuana, if not all marijuana, should be made nationally legal, at the federal level. Tax revenues would skyrocket and Obama would not have to ass-rape the higher income earners, like he wants to, who already pay the lion's share of collected federal tax revenues.

Last year the sales of medical marijuana was $1.7 billion. That is only $200 million less than Viagra sales. That brought in a lot of tax revenues to the federal government, States, counties and local communities. Rather than killing off that tax revenue stream Obama should be fighting to increase it by pressuring Congress to pass legislation to legalize medical marijuana, and possibly all marijuana, nationally, or at the very least quietly behind the scenes telling States that they should consider legalization of medical marijuana and assure them that no steps will be taken at the federal level to stop it.

The $1.7 billion in medical marijuana sales is what makes me wonder if Obama has not stuck a backroom deal with pharmaceutical corporations. I am sure that pharmaceutical corporations see that $1.7 billion as lost sales, equating to lost profits, equating to the pharmaceutical corporations big shot fat cats being forced to keep their current corporate jets for another year rather than upgrading and up-sizing this year, and for them to have to work an additional year of their miserable lives before they can afford their own islands to retire on.

Do not for so little as one single second believe that pharmaceutical corporations would not stroke a deal with Obama to kill medical marijuana in hopes of ending up with an additional $1.7 billion in sales. And do not for so little as one single second believe that Obama would not deny people suffering from illnesses their medication or slash much needed tax revenues if doing so would fill his campaign war chest with contributions from pharmaceutical corporations. He is so desperate for campaign contributions right now that he would slit your throat and throw you in a ditch for a nickle. He would sell out every single person suffering from an illness if he believed doing so would give him a fighting chance to be reelected.

That, boys and girls, is the current President of the United States of America.

Brick Top

New Member
Just look at the name... Barrack Hussein Obama ... That pretty much tells it all.. And I got news for people who think the first black man ever has been elected president... He Is Not Black.. Not True Color ... Cant believe some people actually thought that we had our very first African American President and he aint even True African ...
That is true, but what else is clearly true it, he isn't even a true American, not in the sense of what a true American is anyway.. No true American could ever intentionally do the damage that he has done to this nation. Only someone who hates America and Americans could perform the heinous acts against this nation that Obama has performed and will continue to perform before he is voted out of office in the next election.