Feds support State legalization efforts


Well-Known Member
The Feds are not going to interfere with Colorado and Washington legalization! This is very good news.

The Obama administration on Thursday said it would not sue to undo laws legalizing marijuana in 20 states, although it will monitor operations in those states to make sure they do not run afoul of several enforcement priorities.

In a phone call on Thursday afternoon, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. explained the government’s “trust but verify” approach to Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington and Gov. John W. Hickenlooper of Colorado, a Justice Department official said.

In a memo sent to federal prosecutors nationwide on Thursday, James M. Cole, the deputy attorney general, laid out eight priority enforcement areas. They are aimed at preventing marijuana sales to children, illegal cartel activity, interstate trafficking of marijuana, and violence and accidents involving the drug.

Federal prosecutors are expected to help state officials set up and carry out regulations, the Justice Department official said.
There might be a light at the end of the tunnel after all.
I think it is funny how 2 threads on the same subject have such different opinions on the issue...

We are begin given table scraps by our masters and eating it up... Not the way America was designed to be.
A people decide by state referendum to participate in certain, non hazardous and fully constitutional act and the feds decide to "allow" it? Somehow this is interpreted as progress? Not int opinion
Take this with a grain of salt..the Obama administration (like all the rest before) is notorious for saying one thing and doing another. Just last week, wasn't he on the Jay Leno show saying "we don't spy on Americans". In '08 he campaigned on states rights. How many dispensaries in CA been shut down by the Feds? I'll believe it when I see it.
Take this with a grain of salt..the Obama administration (like all the rest before) is notorious for saying one thing and doing another. Just last week, wasn't he on the Jay Leno show saying "we don't spy on Americans". In '08 he campaigned on states rights. How many dispensaries in CA been shut down by the Feds? I'll believe it when I see it.

You do realise that the ones that were raided were not obeying state law.
Then why didn't the state raid them? :dunce: The feds are "supposed" to only get involved when a crime crosses STATES, not when it affects just one STATE.

In most cases the local cops went along with the raids.
Feds aint gonna interfere unless the dispensaries go above and beyond state law.
A people decide by state referendum to participate in certain, non hazardous and fully constitutional act and the feds decide to "allow" it? Somehow this is interpreted as progress? Not int opinion

So how many individual people smoking and growing dope just for themselves got raided by the Feds?
I think it is funny how 2 threads on the same subject have such different opinions on the issue...

We are begin given table scraps by our masters and eating it up... Not the way America was designed to be.

ahhh, now i know why you're so grumpy today.

yet another deluded prediction you made months ago is falling apart right in front of your little child eyes.
Predictions of the nextr 4 years
1 Obama will use an executive order to stop all those who comply with state law to grow and smoke weed. He is still going to go after profiteers though
2 immigration reform. Graham/Shumer have had a bill for 3 years now
3 all Bush tax cuts will expire, do not fear though. A new bill will come along giving tax releif for the middle class
4 Olive branch for the Republicans. Obama will let them claim some of the credit for the economic recovery
5 cuts in military spending
6 Summit with Iran
7 Out of Stan
8 GITMO will be closed
9 Roll back unemployment benefits
10 increased financial aid
11 more subisdys for green energy systems that work
12 election reform?

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Obama has nothing to lose now. And the Republicans realize we cannot have 4 years like the last 4 or they will be gone forever

In most cases the local cops went along with the raids.
Feds aint gonna interfere unless the dispensaries go above and beyond state law.

What exactly is above and beyond, hmmm. When you make too many sales? So you agree the government can detemine N + 1 times providing the means to get high is a sin? Your rational, greed is the sin. Their rational, depravity is a sin. So tell me again how you ain't an evangelical Republican?
What exactly is above and beyond, hmmm. When you make too many sales? So you agree the government can detemine N + 1 times providing the means to get high is a sin? Your rational, greed is the sin. Their rational, depravity is a sin. So tell me again how you ain't an evangelical Republican?

Selling to people from out of state and to people without cards. If they wanted to they could shut all of them down but, they did not as the ones that obey the laws are still open.
State laws that prevent self ownership should be ignored. Free peaceful people leave others alone and have no masters to "obey". Peace.

Seriously, I agree with Buck for this short while and on this minor issue.

That is not Politics. It is worse that sophistry, much worse. Way down there near religion. In fact, religion has only two components.

1) War Cult

2) Philosophical Mind Fuck.

should this? should that! no master to obey, Free totally free. DEATH you mean? You are Preaching.
Seriously, I agree with Buck for this short while and on this minor issue.

That is not Politics. It is worse that sophistry, much worse. Way down there near religion. In fact, religion has only two components.

1) War Cult

2) Philosophical Mind Fuck.

should this? should that! no master to obey, Free totally free. DEATH you mean? You are Preaching.

The first question in a "political discussion" shouldn't be whether a certain type of politics or a certain person running for the power to run your life is the starting point of the discussion. . That's a limited perspective, with no exit door other than more of the same. All the politicians use the same methods. The partisan bickering here seems to dance away from that.

The first question should be, are politics, ie , government necessary? Otherwise the discussion becomes a dick measuring contest based on a skewed reality, that assumes, politics and the existing systems are necessary and complete. Treating the answer to that question as a foregone conclusion, "because we've always done it that way" is absurd.

Determining WHETHER there ought to be an entity that encompasses people using force, is a valid part of the discussion. I'm sorry if it's too scary for you to contemplate the possibility that everything you've been told is a lie.

Of course I'm preaching... I'm preaching that politics are absurd, harmful, contradictory, etc. and conversations that assume no other methods of interacting are even possible are absurd. and limiting.
I think it is funny how 2 threads on the same subject have such different opinions on the issue...
It is strange and that is fun. You will not usually see an inconsistency for a person between threads....that is trolling.

I don't think they are the same subject. We are nuancing and that takes different threads.