Feds raiding more grows

Seen some of them happening today huge piles of plants...I wonder if that's y most dispense don't have good meds. Might be sending out the good ish out of town for top $$....IMO and maybe some accepting clientele w/o red cards


Apparently, you better not be doing any of these things:

Eight areas of concern

On Aug. 29, the U.S. Justice Department issued a memo to federal prosecutors revealing that the government wouldn't stand in the way of marijuana legalization. The memo warned that the government would still "aggressively enforce" laws to prevent violations in eight areas of concern involving the drug:

Distribution to minors

Revenue from marijuana sales going to criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels

Diversion of marijuana to other states from those where it is legal

Violence and the use of firearms in the cultivation and distribution of pot

State-authorized marijuana activity being used as a cover or pretext for illegal drug trafficking

Drugged driving and the exacerbation of other adverse public-health consequences

Growing on public lands

Possession on federal property


Well-Known Member
Just know that it is still illegal under federal law. They can bust you if they want to regardless of red card, mmc status or how you dispose of surplus medicine.

big bud 56

Active Member
The ones that are growing more then they should are just stupid and the feds get word of it and step in to shut them down.
the ones that are growing more then the legal amount are only ruining it for the ones that are legal and are only hindering the progress of making it legal everywhere.


Well-Known Member
edit: to clarify, the raids are a result of an ongoing investigation regarding:

Revenue from marijuana sales going to criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels

Say it with me now, CARTEL!!!


Active Member
^ I agree. Looks like the feds are keeping a distance on those who are using the system the right way, but they are watching close if you trip.


Active Member
Didn't take a rocket scientist to tell VIP was up to something funny. I'd see them with people in line for over 2 oz orders. Even heard some talk to the bud tenders about how their buddies pay back home.


The last thing I want to see is involvement with cartels. I saw an article too about a columbian cartel. Wouldn't surprise me. Its a shame, but I am glad they are weeding out bad apples. If the world is going to see how well Colorado can do this "regulated marijuana" thing, let's show 'em!


Well-Known Member
Even if the feds sue, they can not stop me from legally growing in my basement.
The idea that a "few bad apples are screwing it up for the rest of us" is nonsense.
Go ahead and apologize for the feds and their laws that are based on lies.

The feds say that marijuana is more dangerous than heroin and cocaine. They say that marijuana has no medical uses.
The feds have patents on some medical uses of marijuana.

I am not sure how you can defend that line of thinking. The reason there are "drug cartels" is because stupid fucking federal idiots made stupid laws.
The DEA is a terrorist organization, just like the cartels.

Banks are still laundering money for these drug cartels and getting off paying fines.

Wachovia paid $160 million dollars in fines because of poor oversight that allowed drug cartel money to be laundered.

Wow, $160 million dollars? That must have hurt.
They laundered over $378 BILLION dollars worth of drug money. Their profits were in the BILLIONS.
Who wouldn't want to make BILLIONS of dollars and have to pay a $160 million dollar fine?

If I could make 1 BILLION dollars and then pay a $160 million dollar fine, I would still have $840 million dollars. Of course, Wachovia still got to keep billions and billions of dollars and no one went to jail. Is there any incentive for banks to stop laundering drug money for the cartels?

So know I am supposed to applaud applaud the DEA for stopping maybe a million or so dollars from go to drug cartels?
Good job DEA, way to go. You stopped an incredibly tiny portion of the money that will be laundered through our own banks.

Eat a dick Obama, you could stop this nonsense with the stroke of a pen.


Well-Known Member
4 yrs ago the biggest mmj conglomerate was "owned" by said colombian-cuban cartel connected dude outta florida, everything in the papers is true about his backround, he openly boasted about getting popped in FL with 10,000tabs ecstacy but got off light with probation. the only reason he went back to florida is when mmed regulated no out of state ownership, while making it harder to move to CO an set up legitimate shop if you're a felon.

since then a number of out of country investors have been busted and deported...

once BC based VIP sold their built up grouping of newly acquired dispensaries to the local entities running shop here in CO, the benefits quickly trickled out of country...

what better way for the cartel based organized crime syndicates to operate, than under the guise of locally owned seemingly law abiding mmj businesses...

too many times did I see unlicensed build outs having 6-12 months growing before even being inspected by mmed to be approved to START growing...

not talking 12-16-20 lighters here folks but 400-1000 light facilities with "10 different businesses growing in one location all owned by 1 or 2 entities"...

serious CASH CROPPING like we've only ever heard about, having personally seen multiple missile silos built out with 2-3x 50 light rooms, + 6-10x 20 light rooms....

hiring the cheapest labor to push the most weight covered in systemic poison and mold....

flash dried and dispensary supplied... up and down the front range from foco, denver, to pueblo, down to trinidad, west to durango even on to cortez. West out to rifle and the western slope, grand junction, roaring fork valley and beyond...

anyone who picked up medicine from dispensaries "emerald city organics", "swiss medicals", "303 dispensary", "Lucky 7", "the reef", "green express", "green door wellness", or wholesalers "green medicals", this was one leg of the supposed cartel run synth swag being pushed by shithead growers spraying avid and e-20 3 days before harvest...


So, Trousers, what did the Bush's do about marijuana? Imprisoned us. I remember going into head shops to buy a bong, and I couldn't even call it a bong for fear of being arrested. While you make valid points, the topic always seems to swing back to politics for you.

The heavy hand of government was brought down upon us by both Bush administrations, where's the outrage for that?


Well-Known Member
the heavy hand was brought down on upon us by both Bush administrations... come on now! we really need to thank Tricky Dick for this bullshit - the bushes only perpetuated/expanded what was already in place.

thanks again to Garlic Train for shining light on the darker reaches of the fledgling mmj industry.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, GT is straight good people to know in this crazy business of mmj.

One of the most knowledgeable in canna-kulture.
Big thanks GT!!
Also, applause for Trousers.

Ronald and Nancy old asses' didn't help the cause either.