Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

You can't make this case. Don't even try.

i'm not making the case, just telling it like it is. laws that keep guns out of the worng hands make me more free.

just like nations with laws giving them universal health care make them more free.

at least, way more free than us americans who have to worry about losing our homes if we get sick. that ain't freedom. that captivity to illness.

many, many laws make us more free.
Nice semantics here. Typical dishonest bullshit though. But of course, if you don't and you earn over X (I think it's around 10k - less than enough to live!) amount the IRS will most assuredly come after your ass if you do not file yourself.

how did people ever survive before the invention of paper currency then?

i'm not making the case, just telling it like it is. laws that keep guns out of the worng hands make me more free.

I'm not even gonna start with this. Suffice to say, all of the above is bullshit. No sense turning this into a gun control debate.

just like nations with laws giving them universal health care make them more free.

In what way? Because those same nations also endorse strict controls and regulations on anything you put in your body, which is antithesis of freedom. But keep using the word free, you seem to like the way it sounds. Significant debt being piled up too. Someone has to pay eventually. But that's freedom for you.

at least, way more free than us americans who have to worry about losing our homes if we get sick. that ain't freedom. that captivity to illness.

Nice false equivalency again. The American system of health care is pure fascism, unabated. Designed to fuck over the population for the benefit of a small subset of individuals. I'm sure you'll equate it falsely to the free market though, even though it's a polar opposite.

many, many laws make us more free.

Again, flipping the definition of the word free.

That quote is just stunningly hilarious.
Klansmen? I see you're sinking further into the intellectual hole you've dug yourself. You have far more in common with those folks than I do given your general ignorance and apparent hatred of me for simply pointing out your lies (go figure Klansmen get upset when you point out their lies too).

Haiti has an incredibly corrupt government that's been propped up by other governments. That government has a monopoly on instruments of power. So that government runs amok. Yay government though right.

So it's ok for you to tell me to go fuck myself, but you cry like a little bitch when I refer to you as a Klansmen? I actually called you a Klansmen because you told me to go fuck myself and tried insulting my intelligence, so I slapped you back. Figures a hypocritical whining bitch as yourself would find issue with that.

Ok, so you're just here to troll then? Or you do want to actually engage in civil debate? It is completely up to you, I can do either. Bitch.

Nice false equivalency. Klansmen are dishonest, ignorant fuck tards. Sort of like you and your buddy See4.

False equivalency? Do you even understanding the meaning of that phrase? You might want to go look it up you ignorant pile of shit.

Interesting notion you refer to me as a Klansmen as its you who align with the party who's moral leader thinks it is completely ok to rape and murder women and children. You pedobear loving generalizing militia loving redneck piece of human feces.

Nice semantics here. Typical dishonest bullshit though. But of course, if you don't and you earn over X (I think it's around 10k - less than enough to live!) amount the IRS will most assuredly come after your ass if you do not file yourself.

Now you are talking out your ass, as usual. You have no fucking clue whatsoever as to what you are talking about, and I suppose you are using your Klansmen senses to think this shit up.

I have college friends that have gone several years not filing taxes, making well over 125k a year, and eventually they get a letter asking to please pay a certain amount by a particular date or else they may start garnishing wages. It is true they will eventually get to you, but you can go years without paying with little a gripe. So once again you are talking out your ass, and at the very least you are being disingenuous like certain Klans members you identify with.

Your a sad piece of shit that tries to play word games in attempts of avoiding the topic at hand or questions asked.

You can't make this case. Don't even try.

So you are saying if there were no gun laws, we would all be safer? Is that really what you think? You can't possibly be that fucking stupid. I mean I know you are dumb sack of shit, but THAT fucking stupid? Only hypocritical Klansmen are that fucking stupid... oh, never mind.

See, I can play your game too. Bitch.
I'm not even gonna start with this. Suffice to say, all of the above is bullshit. No sense turning this into a gun control debate.

In what way? Because those same nations also endorse strict controls and regulations on anything you put in your body, which is antithesis of freedom. But keep using the word free, you seem to like the way it sounds. Significant debt being piled up too. Someone has to pay eventually. But that's freedom for you.

Nice false equivalency again. The American system of health care is pure fascism, unabated. Designed to fuck over the population for the benefit of a small subset of individuals. I'm sure you'll equate it falsely to the free market though, even though it's a polar opposite.

so to summarize that diatribe...



Again, flipping the definition of the word free.

That quote is just stunningly hilarious.

what about civil rights laws?

those laws made blacks free to travel the nation.

many, many laws make us more free.
I'm not even gonna start with this. Suffice to say, all of the above is bullshit. No sense turning this into a gun control debate.

In what way? Because those same nations also endorse strict controls and regulations on anything you put in your body, which is antithesis of freedom. But keep using the word free, you seem to like the way it sounds. Significant debt being piled up too. Someone has to pay eventually. But that's freedom for you.

Nice false equivalency again. The American system of health care is pure fascism, unabated. Designed to fuck over the population for the benefit of a small subset of individuals. I'm sure you'll equate it falsely to the free market though, even though it's a polar opposite.

Again, flipping the definition of the word free.

That quote is just stunningly hilarious.

Wait, is the administration a liberal or a fascist? You need to choose one or the other? Is it communist or fascist? Or let me guess, its anything it wants to be as long as it suits your melodramatic argument? You are beginning to sounds an awful lot like KKKynes.
If you make enough to live, you have to pay income taxes. I don't see where it's voluntary. The IRS certainly doesn't view it as voluntary.

If you earn money beyond the scope of the IRS, you don't have to pay taxes. I propose you earn wages beyond the scope of the IRS... OR, better yet, simply renounce your citizenship militia-man.
Wait, is the administration a liberal or a fascist? You need to choose one or the other? Is it communist or fascist? Or let me guess, its anything it wants to be as long as it suits your melodramatic argument? You are beginning to sounds an awful lot like KKKynes.

The proper distinction is authoritarian vs libertarian. The rest of that shit is of no concern to me. There is very little practical difference between a fascist and a communist government at the end of the day beyond some labels. They are both systems designed to centralize power to the benefit of whoever wields it.

Continue with your racist insinuations. It's hilarious to me because there's literally no difference between you and most racists and you're too stupid to see it.
Nice false equivalency. Klansmen are dishonest, ignorant fuck tards. Sort of like you and your buddy See4.

Dishonest? Says the jack off who whines like a little girl about having to be forced to pay taxes, yet is using the internet, watches Fox Noose, drives on highways, is protected by the military, and likely receiving some sort of federal aid. Because I assure you, there is a snowballs chance in hell you are a civil enough individual to earn a wage high enough to not demand federal aid.
The proper distinction is authoritarian vs libertarian. The rest of that shit is of no concern to me. There is very little practical difference between a fascist and a communist government at the end of the day beyond some labels. They are both systems designed to centralize power to the benefit of whoever wields it.

Continue with your racist insinuations. It's hilarious to me because there's literally no difference between you and most racists and you're too stupid to see it.

No dipshit. It's Fascism, as you stated, and liberalism.

Fascism (/fæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritariannationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Influenced by national syndicalism, fascism originated inItaly during World War I, combining more typically right-wing positions with elements of left-wing politics,[3] in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and traditional conservatism. Although fascism is often placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum, several academics have said that the description is inadequate.[4][5]

You are fucking melodrama queen.

It's hilarious to me because there's literally no difference between you and most racists and you're too stupid to see it.

Says the guy who throws around insults, then gets his panties in a bunch when I do it back. Keep chuckling to yourself Klansmen. Hypocrisy roles deep within you.
so you think it's funny that sloppy seconds thinks its "awesome" that someone goes to jail for a crime that really shouldn't be?
i'm also curious to know what 'it' thinks of the fact that desert dude rejoiced at the fact that he/she got sent to federal prison.
so to summarize that diatribe...



I shouldn't even engage with you. You are a master at deception and logical fallacy. Also masterful at ignoring salient points.

what about civil rights laws?

those laws made blacks free to travel the nation.

many, many laws make us more free.

Civil rights laws did do that. But then they also did the opposite to some groups as well. The fact is the government, taking money from all the people, was discriminating against minorities. And clearly that is immoral and wrong. I'd argue any discrimination solely on skin color falls under the immoral and wrong category. So of course the government behaving immorally and wrongly - while forcibly taking from everyone in the population - absolutely needed a slap across the face and these laws helped with that.

On the flip side though, many private citizens also had their right to be stupid assholes infringed upon.

So while this might be ok for you - taking something at the expense of something else. It is not for me. I'm a firm believer in non violence to achieve the goals you desire. And this is typical government coercion.

This is why I don't believe the government should have so much power in the first place.
better tell dick that he is dead then.

Bad ass dude right there , every man is a complete milk toast compared to Dick Proneke , ive got all 3 series of him .

Coolest man of all time .