Federal Appeals Court Blocks Gov. Jan Brewer's Anti-Immigrant Law

Your prejudice is unwarranted. We've already established that illegals help more than they hurt (look back a few posts).

No the bastards don't help a damn thing, there are just that many lazy assholes in this country that think they are to good to shovel shit, much less wash a dish. If Americans would do the jobs the mexicans do, this country would never have a unemploment problem. But they think the government owes them. Now that is my thoughts on the illegals. Come in this country legal I have no problem, but when you hear of Americans being killed because ICE didn't deport some illegal, thats what sucks.
No the bastards don't help a damn thing, there are just that many lazy assholes in this country that think they are to good to shovel shit, much less wash a dish. If Americans would do the jobs the mexicans do, this country would never have a unemploment problem. But they think the government owes them. Now that is my thoughts on the illegals. Come in this country legal I have no problem, but when you hear of Americans being killed because ICE didn't deport some illegal, thats what sucks.
But they aren't "lazy assholes... [that] think the government owes them." They take all the shitty jobs (shoveling shit and doing dishes) that most people dont want anyway... They pay income and/or sales taxes (even though they aren't eligible to participate in many of the government programs that those taxes pay for), many of them working 40-60 hours. The study done on Texas immigration's economic impact has concluded that their illigal immigrants netted gains in the hundreds of millions for the state - not losses.

Americans kill people too, btw.

Yes, they're illegal... They should go through the same process as everybody else. Maybe one day lawmakers will take a serious look at immigration reform to more effectively enforce our borders while also making it easy for productive, non-criminal foreigners to come to - and stay - in America... Why shouldn't they be allowed a shot at the American dream? Aren't we all ancestors from immigrants to this nation anyway?

Honestly, it enrages me the way Republicans have played politics with this issue. They play to the xenophobic tendencies that many americans have without ever presenting any facts. The facts tell us that immigration is healthy to our nations economy. Why is this so hard to embrace?
I was talking about lazy Americans, mexicans will work their asses off, I know I have worked them. As far as them not living off the US government BS,I took my sister inlaw to the defax office and it was full of non english speaking mexicans. Maybe texas is getting by but georgia is supporting a lot of them. This country has ran out of law makers they are just a bunch of assholes with life time jobs. and I don't want to be killed by an illegal, make mine American. And I am sure that odumbass is not looking for the illegal votes thats the reason the border is still open.
And I don't understand why it is hard for you to understand illegal means they are breaking our laws.
^^ So says the pot smoker on a pot smoking website. :p

I guess it's o.k. to break the law if it's something you like or want....
As far as them not living off the US government BS,I took my sister inlaw to the defax office and it was full of non english speaking mexicans.

did you ask them all for proof of citizenship, or are you just blindly assuming that they were all illegal?

stupid question on my part. you just ASSUMED.


And I don't understand why it is hard for you to understand illegal means they are breaking our laws.

says the guy on a marijuana website.

No the bastards don't help a damn thing, there are just that many lazy ass holes in this country that think they are to good to shovel shit, much less wash a dish. If Americans would do the jobs the Mexicans do, this country would never have a unemployment problem. But they think the government owes them. Now that is my thoughts on the illegals. Come in this country legal I have no problem, but when you hear of Americans being killed because ICE didn't deport some illegal, that's what sucks.

It's a two way street. If our Farmers paid enough then we would employ more of our people in farm labor.

Here is California it took the death of a 17 year old woman who was pregnant to force our Conservative lawmakers to mandate shade and cold water stations otherwise our farm labor is expected to work 10 hours in the sun without cold water or shade.
Any one done farm labor?

I have picked oranges and hoe'd sugar beats.

Spent my entire childhood and early adulthood working on our farm. On top of that we had an acre sized garden. We had horses, cows, pigs, chickens, geese, and at one point we had some guinea fowl. Loud damn things. I used to hate shutting up the chickens at night. My dad wouldn't let us shut them up until after dark to make sure they were all in the coop. It was down a long dark path with trees and bushes on both sides. You couldn't see past your nose. I was terrified. I just knew the "creature" that lived down at the river would get me or a skinwalker. For years there were stories of people seeing a man like creature roaming the banks of the San Juan. It was even seen right below our Junior High building in broad daylight. Sometimes my older brothers would hide and wait for me to walk by. Scared the absolute living shit out of me.