fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
So pirate bugs don't harm the plant at all? or is there some long term damage they can do? How are they when you harvest the plant? easy to get rid of when its time to cut down? So many questions, but I'm so curious


Well-Known Member
Couldn't they just be a little CUTER? Look at praying mantis, those things are UGLY. If I slept outside and woke up with one on me I'd flip. *shudders*


Well-Known Member
i think praying mantises look awesome. i remember when i lived in sacto i ran across my first and had a serious wtf moment.


Well-Known Member
I'm chopped liver.
well i'm certainly not going to spray milk all over my garden. :spew:

i sprayed a VERY diluted solution of zero tolerance on the three worst plants. i mixed about 4 or 5 tablespoons to 2 quarts of water and misted heavily. hopefully my buggies will run away safely. doubtful though. it only seems to be on three plants so far. i may be ok. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
good luck.

i have to admit i'm skeptical that those oils kill PM, but it would be awesome if they did. if they don't, there's always the organic salts.


Too many brownies
hows the powdery mildew goin? Have you tried baking soda?

That guy is crazy he definitely got a little greedy hahaha :twisted:

Give us some pictures soon :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
if I were you, I would use the sulfur burner and canopy method. My master gardener friend had PM two years ago, infested half of his plants in like two days, and he said that it worked like a charm (though it does stunt growth, and he doesn't recommend doing it once they are deep into the flower cycle).
Money=Greed..... and greed is the most destructive power that I know to come out of fear... I must admit the I am susceptible just like everyone else to this weakness. My Cinderella is Female! :) cheers....