Fdd2blk Spring Glass Showcase

never saw this thread till now. IDK if someones selling here (as I didnt read the whole thread) or if this is just a show off thread.

A good buddy of mine I grew up with blows all my custom pieces. Travels to all the shows and sell his pieces, I'd be willing to bet someone on RIU has met him.

hey fdd, i was lucky enough to win one of your pipes in a 420 comp on here and its sick man, really nice piece!


how much for the slide on the left if you still have it? shipped to the uk.

do you have any erl dabbers?


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fdd2blk, I am looking for a relatively small smoking device that uses water as a cooling medium and if possible with a removable one hitter, so that the bowl could be loaded separate from the device. I would alsl like to be able clean the device easily with alcholol and salt. I have been mostly using bottles and cans, or rolling up with papers. I want something that looks good and at the same time a great smoking device. Any recommendations?
Really guys? After everybody(fuckin trolls) started bleeding out of there fucking vaginas about Faded being a "nazi mod" i doubt hes coming back. He hasn't been here in over two weeks, and i don't blame him.

I'm pretty much over this place too.
Really guys? After everybody(fuckin trolls) started bleeding out of there fucking vaginas about Faded being a "nazi mod" i doubt hes coming back. He hasn't been here in over two weeks, and i don't blame him.

I'm pretty much over this place too.
yeah same here im only hanging around for one thread.
Really guys? After everybody(fuckin trolls) started bleeding out of there fucking vaginas about Faded being a "nazi mod" i doubt hes coming back. He hasn't been here in over two weeks, and i don't blame him.

I'm pretty much over this place too.

i made a badass bubbler last night. i'll get some pics up shortly. ;)
i will try to get some photo tent pics up soon. it's hard to get a good pic otherwise. the bub has a fixed downstem capped with a bowl with an upper carb. it is welded with a triple seal so the water won't splash out the carb when tipped. it's a little wobbly but stands upright if set down gently. i'm very tempted to load it up right now.

hey how much for the sherlock pipe? also if ya ever get a chance to make that same bubbler but different color post it up asap please :-D
hey how much for the sherlock pipe? also if ya ever get a chance to make that same bubbler but different color post it up asap please :-D

how about 45 + 5 shipping? shoot me a PM.

i just may keep that bubbler. i see a few things i could improve on, and it is my "first". it keeps calling me to use it. :)
very nice, i always find this art fascinating. on a side note, so we are allowed to promote things/products here then I take it. didn't know that, cool beans.
no way, i can walk there. how do i know if there yours, theres a boat load in there. do u have a name for them.

i haven't been in there in a few weeks. you be lucky to find anything of mine in there right now. i sign all my pieces with an "fdd" on them. you'd have to see the mark to know it was mine. or recognize the style.
Damn shame that I'm broke and you don't take commissions right now. I'd love to see what you could do with a spider-themed pipe, more specifically, tarantula themed. The design would drive you nuts, I'm sure. Very nice work, though, man. Very nice indeed.