Fdd2blk Spring Glass Showcase

I went to March 2010 age and champs expo and it was insane. I was at the two kings Booth if you stopped there. The pipes with spinners and games inside them. Kg from tenaciouse d was at our Booth signing shit for people. Still can't get over the VIP Booth. Left that room blind and the heady pieces I smoked out of in there was sick.. can't wait to go back
Y'all want to see my latest.. anyone else into sculpting? Any deadheads out there? Lemme know if ya like it.

I got 2 more in the works. Marbles made just gotta sculpt....
why you all jackin' my thread?

selling your car now? come on. :eyesmoke:

first person who posts a meth pipe gets a 3 day ban. i'm dead serious. :fire:
This post should give you a new fresh page.. everything should be fine. I just don't have a lot of friends that appreciate glass as much as I do and am looking for a pat on the back.. I was really fuckin pumped when I pulled it out of the kiln and it was perfect. I had to show somebody. The car thing was added...
This post should give you a new fresh page.. everything should be fine. I just don't have a lot of friends that appreciate glass as much as I do and am looking for a pat on the back.. I was really fuckin pumped when I pulled it out of the kiln and it was perfect. I had to show somebody. The car thing was added...

start a thread. ;)
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Thread Jacking

Thread Jacking 41 up, 11 down
Taking over a thread on a message board by taking a part of the original posted topic, twisting it around and "hijacking" the thread itself. What happens is that the original content contained in the post becomes moot and whatever the "Thread Jacker" has manipulated the content to be becomes the new content thereby "hijacking" the original intent of post. People now respond to the "thread jacker's" input and the that becomes the focus of the tread.
LK25 did an excellent job of thread jacking Koko's post on Dennis Landolt.

Koko's posted topic on Dennis Landolt (PSU Football player) and comments regarding his development on Penn States FOS site becomes indictment of whole offensive line:

KokobewareHI: "Why do I feel like this thread is about to get hijacked? What happened to my original question?"

PSUnittany: "LK25, the thread was about Landolt & his progress...and (of course) you spin it into another "the staff is lazy at recruiting - we are doomed!" threads...It's so tiresome. Please link me to any threads that you don't hijack & ruin. Thank you."

OCCalif: "Although LK25 has jacked this thread to a degree, I feel his concerns are somewhat valid- we should be concerned about our offensive line."
Not to get on topic or anything but....have I missed my chance at a spring piece? If so, Fdd is there a summer line up I don't know about? I know it's alot to ask but if I could get a slight head's up you have pieces available, I would appreciate it.
Not to get on topic or anything but....have I missed my chance at a spring piece? If so, Fdd is there a summer line up I don't know about? I know it's alot to ask but if I could get a slight head's up you have pieces available, I would appreciate it.

i'm on a summer hiatus. can't take my torch out on the boat. :(

i'm trying to get some work done but it's been in the upper 90's. :fire: once i start sweating onto my safety glasses i have to stop.
no ac in your neck of the woods? in room ones that you can face at your torso while you work are awesome. and if that dont work lots of ice water and a ice cold wet bandana to wear. ive had to blow at a festival in the sun at 90* before... not fun. start sizzlin sweat off onto my work, its hard to spin a slippery wet rod too...
no ac in your neck of the woods? in room ones that you can face at your torso while you work are awesome. and if that dont work lots of ice water and a ice cold wet bandana to wear. ive had to blow at a festival in the sun at 90* before... not fun. start sizzlin sweat off onto my work, its hard to spin a slippery wet rod too...

i have no reason to blow glass when the temps get over 80. i'd rather be at the lake.