fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
Good to hear your feeling better Bro. I am stressing on the same issue, but with a lot less I am sitting on than you. The market is so flooded, there are people bringing shit in for 15 to the dipsensary I vend for. It really is rediculous this year.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be that hard, man.;) The college kids in my area'd give you 5 racks an elbo. EASY!

How bout' some more harvest pics, man????
what exactly are "harvest pics"? people ask me every year and i don't know what that means. i have shown pics of where we sit and pics of hanging buds. i'm gonna take some pics of dry stuff once it's all ready. let me know what you want to see and i'll take some pics. ;)

i started harvesting 3 weeks ago. some of this has already been bagged up and curing for 2 weeks. how long does it take? :neutral:

the gas line is fixed and my tools are cleaned and put away. i have to go under the house tomorrow to double check everything and hang some straps. i have 6 indoor plants i'm gonna bang out in a few minutes. then we should be able to focus on finishing everything outside. i think we still have 2 weeks yet to go. forecast calls for light showers tomorrow night. gotta cover everything before then.


Well-Known Member
what exactly are "harvest pics"? people ask me every year and i don't know what that means. i have shown pics of where we sit and pics of hanging buds. i'm gonna take some pics of dry stuff once it's all ready. let me know what you want to see and i'll take some pics. ;)

i started harvesting 3 weeks ago. some of this has already been bagged up and curing for 2 weeks. how long does it take? :neutral:

the gas line is fixed and my tools are cleaned and put away. i have to go under the house tomorrow to double check everything and hang some straps. i have 6 indoor plants i'm gonna bang out in a few minutes. then we should be able to focus on finishing everything outside. i think we still have 2 weeks yet to go. forecast calls for light showers tomorrow night. gotta cover everything before then.
Have you cut the grapefruit diesel? I would love to see a bud picture.


Active Member
what exactly are "harvest pics"? people ask me every year and i don't know what that means. i have shown pics of where we sit and pics of hanging buds. i'm gonna take some pics of dry stuff once it's all ready. let me know what you want to see and i'll take some pics. ;)

i started harvesting 3 weeks ago. some of this has already been bagged up and curing for 2 weeks. how long does it take? :neutral:

the gas line is fixed and my tools are cleaned and put away. i have to go under the house tomorrow to double check everything and hang some straps. i have 6 indoor plants i'm gonna bang out in a few minutes. then we should be able to focus on finishing everything outside. i think we still have 2 weeks yet to go. forecast calls for light showers tomorrow night. gotta cover everything before then.
I think they want to see all of it hanging and dried/cured at once - the whole shit and shebang in one shot (not very conducive to security imho).


Well-Known Member
FDD- my bad i realized after i wrote that, you had already mentioned you had been trimming for like 21 days. im sure those jars are stinking! i also thought that would take alot of jars at one time to cure all those plants for a while. might fill up a closet!


Well-Known Member
30% chance of light evening showers has turned into morning downpours.

everything is covered and dry, except me.



Well-Known Member
Yo fdd this might help. My uncle uses it all the time when he plays soccer and sprains his ankle. Get a nug of bud and put it into a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Let it sit for atleast a day. After that day have someone rub it on your back where it hurts. Ive done it before to my ankle and wrists. helps! :) the older it is the better :)


Well-Known Member
got another beast done today. my sciatica feels better. my whole body is sore though. gonna try to relax for a minute. :cool: