fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
Nice recovery FDD, "way to be there", for your friend.

I thought those plants would recover after seeing the first pics. Marijuana is a very hardy plant. I can't believe some of the stuff I've done to them, & have the still live!



Well-Known Member
Nice recovery FDD, "way to be there", for your friend.

I thought those plants would recover after seeing the first pics. Marijuana is a very hardy plant. I can't believe some of the stuff I've done to them, & have the still live!

Good job FDD. I thought they would take a little longer to recover. Now lets resume with the fun.


Well-Known Member
they are all still wilting. we have had foggy evenings and mornings. they perk up then. but as soon as the sun comes out they all wilt. i have them shaded which is helping a lot. each day they look a little better. i'll try to get some pics this evening.


Well-Known Member
Not to cause controversy, cause i have nothing but respect for this man based on if nothing else, his knowledge of growing and his grows. But my question is, if the average joe on RIU were to have this exact same garden, looking the same, if not better, would we all be subd and looking at it like the "Grow Bible" as we do to fdds thread? Just food for thought...Peace awesome fucking grow fdd...Only in my dreams bro


Well-Known Member
Not to cause controversy..... But my question is, if the average joe on RIU were to have this exact same garden, looking the same, if not better, would we all be subd and looking at it like the "Grow Bible" as we do to fdds thread? ...Only in my dreams bro
Fdd is a pot god, and i know we all aspire to grow like him one day. You have the best plant porn ever Fdd, if i had those trees in my yard, id be watchin them from a hammock most of the day! Awesome grow sir!


Well-Known Member
Not to cause controversy, cause i have nothing but respect for this man based on if nothing else, his knowledge of growing and his grows. But my question is, if the average joe on RIU were to have this exact same garden, looking the same, if not better, would we all be subd and looking at it like the "Grow Bible" as we do to fdds thread? Just food for thought...Peace awesome fucking grow fdd...Only in my dreams bro
Would we all look at it like the "Grow Bible" if the average joe on RIU could grow like him?


Well-Known Member
You are doing what I had to do with a few of mine that rooted in the 20-gal pots before I planted them in the raised beds. They will recover when they have enough root mass to supply the water they need. Have you used any B-1 or superthrive?


Well-Known Member
dam bro, i had the same problem many time with leaves loosing strength last summer, this year has been killer to plants. More more water, those babies need atleast 2 gallons of water each per day per plant... best advice would be to get a underground irrigation system and pump. and leave it on for an hour per day at 4am. they will grow faster and be very healty. keep nutes up aswell and use nutes 4 days a week rather than 7 when they are this tall. those beast trees need alot of food to fatten up and ve strong.

good luck hope this helps bro!


Well-Known Member
dam bro, i had the same problem many time with leaves loosing strength last summer, this year has been killer to plants. More more water, those babies need atleast 2 gallons of water each per day per plant... best advice would be to get a underground irrigation system and pump. and leave it on for an hour per day at 4am. they will grow faster and be very healty. keep nutes up aswell and use nutes 4 days a week rather than 7 when they are this tall. those beast trees need alot of food to fatten up and ve strong.

good luck hope this helps bro!
I dont think he is askin for advice brudda... He knows what he is doin... No offense...


Well-Known Member
Hey Fdd, what is the advantage of using veg nutes one day, flower nutes the next and then plain water the next day? Why don't you just mix the veg and flower nutes together during feeding? Does the plant uptake more nutrients when you feed like that? Also how long will you continue this feed scedual until you go just flower nutes? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey Fdd, what is the advantage of using veg nutes one day, flower nutes the next and then plain water the next day? Why don't you just mix the veg and flower nutes together during feeding? Does the plant uptake more nutrients when you feed like that? Also how long will you continue this feed scedual until you go just flower nutes? Thanks
there is no reason or advantage, it's just how i do it. ;)

i'll feed them veg nutes as long as they need them. when they start to fade in color i give them some nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Hey Fdd, what is the advantage of using veg nutes one day, flower nutes the next and then plain water the next day? Why don't you just mix the veg and flower nutes together during feeding? Does the plant uptake more nutrients when you feed like that? Also how long will you continue this feed scedual until you go just flower nutes? Thanks
most folks are unaware that mixing nutes changes the NPK value take my jacks classic nutes as example if I mix equal amounts of veg 20-20-20 with bloom 10-30-20 the math would add to 30-50-40 but to know the actual new NPK value you divide by 2 so it is actually 15-25-20


Well-Known Member
i'll feed them veg nutes as long as they need them. when they start to fade in color i give them some nitrogen.
How long did it take you to get to the point where you can look at a plant and see that it has nitrogen or phosphorous defficiency ect? I only have three years on and off with maybe 40 total plants harvested under my belt, and whenever i get a defficiency, i can only guess and flush and try lowering feedings. How many nutes have you tried, and what do you think works the best? ive only tried organic suppliments and House and Garden's Soil A & B with really nice results, but smaller plants ( oz. per plant average)


Well-Known Member
most folks are unaware that mixing nutes changes the NPK value take my jacks classic nutes as example if I mix equal amounts of veg 20-20-20 with bloom 10-30-20 the math would add to 30-50-40 but to know the actual new NPK value you divide by 2 so it is actually 15-25-20
great info brudda... +rep


Well-Known Member
How long did it take you to get to the point where you can look at a plant and see that it has nitrogen or phosphorous defficiency ect? I only have three years on and off with maybe 40 total plants harvested under my belt, and whenever i get a defficiency, i can only guess and flush and try lowering feedings. How many nutes have you tried, and what do you think works the best? ive only tried organic suppliments and House and Garden's Soil A & B with really nice results, but smaller plants ( oz. per plant average)

i try to use nutes that are high in everything. when the leaves start to fade i feed them. i tend to try different nutes every year. i prefer organic stuff.


Well-Known Member
do u use diff stuff every year cuz you havent found something you really like or just to be using something different?


Well-Known Member
God bless growers such as yourself. Tough out those dry spells and keep the worthy stoned fdd. I like your style, but I like the way your dope looks even more. Nice bushes my friend.