yeah, butterflies. cause one can never get enough caterpillars in a bud garden, can they?
Awesome journal. I've been following it and haven't posted until now. ...nothing useful to say i guess. Though I was thinking of something just now. I just read the last 4 or 5 pages I think and I just have to say...bah humbug. All the childish fighting is nonsense. I thought we were all grown ups here eh? maybe it's just my canadian brain. The worst part is, even by just reading it all, I'm now filled with all kinds of emotions. Anger and other mixed negative ones I can't pinpoint. Reminds me of how useless society really is. Now I'm in an uproar, injustice and the pig has me by the heart again. And to think I was having a good day today. Oh well, nothing a little 21 jump street on utube can't cure.
The dumbest part is that psychology has been a vast study of science for so long. All these arguments boil down to the basic stuff you learn in your first year. Text book problematic ego situations, problems with hierarchy, etc etc. I'm not taking anyone's side, taking part in any of it is about as useful as climbing up a tree and throwing my poop at you all. Evolution is a slow progress apparently.
Arguing and Anger are signs of weakness and cowardliness. This isn't philosophy, this is scientific fact, even since the time of Freud.
why must you all clutter my grow thread? even being able to edit it myself, i can't edit it enough. i really don't get it. i don't see this on everyone else's threads. why mine?
Happy Father's Day to you guys lucky enough to have kids.
Question for Fdd, or anyone who knows the answer for that matter .... couldn't find the answer with the search function:
How should the moisture level of a pot plant be in relation to say a tomato plant? I know the tomato likes its moisture to be kept at a fairly high level, especially while fruiting, and that it will "droop" for you when it wants to be watered.
this thread is shaping up nice. i'm enjoying the porn and laughs. i think everyone's panties may be bunched.
why must you all clutter my grow thread? even being able to edit it myself, i can't edit it enough. i really don't get it. i don't see this on everyone else's threads. why mine?
someone said that metanaturals was making veg formula again. i went to all the hydro stores in town and nobody had any but one place. said they had "a few jugs in the back and could pour me a bottle". i asked if they had anything comparable and he showed me the Verde. so i'm trying it.
typical fdd answer.
now, what did anyone possibly learn from that?
Well I learned today that the verde, which i got a free bottle of, is made from urea. The same N product in MG. Very "un-natural". I know your an all organic kind of guy so I was just wondering what the science was behind the switch. Thanks for sharing.