|FCG|Frank's 1st Grow: Kali Mist | LED, CO2 & all the love they need

I Prefer to deal locally when I use craigslist though.

Same here, and meet at a mutual high traffic area.

DON'T bring them to your place, they know what you're growing with that light and may think you have a lot of whatever for the taking.

Just did this with a $600 camera lens last week, met at restaurant, no problem.
Health Canada made sure to remind us all that even though I was now exempted for the law and could legally grow I should still keep it secret, MULTIPLE times in MANY documents lol. Lazy must know what I'm talking about.
How about you worry about you, and stop worrying about me.

If you keep misquoting me, it's gonna get ugly. You've been warned.

You really don't want to go on a pissing contest with me, 'coz I won't be the one drowning in pee. This is my journal. So either STFU and read nicely or GTFO.

Comprende Jeffy?
hey EH. I've seen a few A51 lights and they are well built. never did a grow with one myself though. Can you tell me how much the AF-600 weighs?
What's up Chaz?

The 600 weighs 36LBS, or 16.3kg.

And if interested, I'll offer this info too:

Helixeon red:
part # HMHP-E3HR
luminous flux bin code: VO
spectrum bin code: BO

Helipoto deep red:
part # HBHP-E3LR
Radiometric power bin code: QO
spectrum bin code: AO, BO & CO

White LEDs:

Heliopto Helixeon Royal Blue
part # HBHP-E3LB
Radiometric power bin code: TO
spectrum bin code: DO

Heliopto Helixeon Blue
part # HMHP-E3HB
luminous flux bin code:
spectrum bin code: RO
spectrum bin code: EO

GAL520 and RR6238

hey EH. I've seen a few A51 lights and they are well built. never did a grow with one myself though. Can you tell me how much the AF-600 weighs?
Here are the facts:

November 2012: I buy two lights from you. You dropship one from China. You ship the other from the US to a totally different address.
December 2012: I e-mail to let you know 2nd light hasn't arrived. You don't even apologize. I ask for a refund, which you're forced to provide. I didn't make a fuss. Just chalked it up to a mistake and moved on.

We go our separate ways from there. In these two months I study and read a lot.

January 2013: I e-mail you to inquire about new panels. I declare from the start I bought SS400W panels and want to buy SS800Ws for a bigger grow area, but that I'd like to find out more about your new panels since I'd like to give you some business as well. I said that literally. I attach the CLW_Pres document that details the specs of the light, because I need you to look them over so you can tell me whether your new panels could compete. Your first response was that this was all fluff and "hookum" (whatever the fuck that means). When I contacted CWL, George did not belittle the competitor, he pointed out the strenghts vs weaknesses. He did not call your documentation "fluff." When I contacted Inda-Gro, they provided me with answers immediately and did not belittle the competitors. Only you did. From that point on things got a little ugly.

The fact of the matter is you were a grade A piece of shit to me. You actually wished me ill when I admitted I could be irate because of the prednisone I take for my illness. I paid 650$ for two products, you only managed to get one to me. That is a huge failure on your part, a failure for which you are 100% responsible. Your amateur businessman status was confirmed from the beginning, and you reconfirmed it later with your shitty attitude. Your entire business presentation is sloppy and you are disorganized.

Yet, in spite of this, I still wish you success. See? In spite of not liking you personally, I can still see the merits of your products and review them objectively.

Because I think there is a need for your lights in the market. CLW are in a league of their own, you are in sub-amateur league 1 and CLW went pros two seasons ago (strictly from the business side of things ofc, since we have yet to see results). But CLW is priced too highly to be the default go-to and as positive as my experience has been with CLW so far, I do NOT want a monopoly. Monopolies are always a disaster for consumers and CLW is literally the only true American business selling reputable lights right now. You're still just a guy building fixtures from his garage and drop shipping some of them from China.

So please, the only abusive e-mails that were sent came from you, so this pussy pussy abused victim pose is laughable.

You make good lights. Why don't you stick with the engineering and hire someone competent to run the business side of things, because you're doing a piss poor job at it when you can't even ship two boxes to the correct address.

So here it is: I don't like you, but I wish you well with your business, there is a need for it, and I hope you get to keep it.

I'm gonna give you one more post to explain your side of things if you want because it's only fair, but after this, it's back to growing and my journal, and I never want to speak your name or your company's name ever again.

Here are the facts:

November 2012: I buy two lights from you. You dropship one from China. You ship the other from the US to a totally different address.
December 2012: I e-mail to let you know 2nd light hasn't arrived. You don't even apologize. I ask for a refund, which you're forced to provide. I didn't make a fuss. Just chalked it up to a mistake and moved on.

We go our separate ways from there. In these two months I study and read a lot.

January 2013: I e-mail you to inquire about new panels. I declare from the start I bought SS400W panels and want to buy SS800Ws for a bigger grow area, but that I'd like to find out more about your new panels since I'd like to give you some business as well. I said that literally. I attach the CLW_Pres document that details the specs of the light, because I need you to look them over so you can tell me whether your new panels could compete. Your first response was that this was all fluff and "hookum" (whatever the fuck that means). When I contacted CWL, George did not belittle the competitor, he pointed out the strenghts vs weaknesses. He did not call your documentation "fluff." When I contacted Inda-Gro, they provided me with answers immediately and did not belittle the competitors. Only you did. From that point on things got a little ugly.

The fact of the matter is you were a grade A piece of shit to me. You actually wished me ill when I admitted I could be irate because of the prednisone I take for my illness. I paid 650$ for two products, you only managed to get one to me. That is a huge failure on your part, a failure for which you are 100% responsible. Your amateur businessman status was confirmed from the beginning, and you reconfirmed it later with your shitty attitude. Your entire business presentation is sloppy and you are disorganized.

Yet, in spite of this, I still wish you success. See? In spite of not liking you personally, I can still see the merits of your products and review them objectively.

Because I think there is a need for your lights in the market. CLW are in a league of their own, you are in sub-amateur league 1 and CLW went pros two seasons ago (strictly from the business side of things ofc, since we have yet to see results). But CLW is priced too highly to be the default go-to and as positive as my experience has been with CLW so far, I do NOT want a monopoly. Monopolies are always a disaster for consumers and CLW is literally the only true American business selling reputable lights right now. You're still just a guy building fixtures from his garage and drop shipping some of them from China.

So please, the only abusive e-mails that were sent came from you, so this pussy pussy abused victim pose is laughable.

You make good lights. Why don't you stick with the engineering and hire someone competent to run the business side of things, because you're doing a piss poor job at it when you can't even ship two boxes to the correct address.

So here it is: I don't like you, but I wish you well with your business, there is a need for it, and I hope you get to keep it.

I'm gonna give you one more post to explain your side of things if you want because it's only fair, but after this, it's back to growing and my journal, and I never want to speak your name or your company's name ever again.
See Frank, you seem to not want me here. I understand that, I can be pretty annoying when I want to be. ;)

If you look back on your thread on the other site, you'll see a pattern:

You post something untrue about me or my lights, and that is shortly followed up by me defending myself.

You go back to your journal, I leave.

You post some more dumb shit, I come back.

See how that works?

You keep your trap shut, and I'll be gone.

And btw, you might want to see a professional, you are delusional, and you seem to believe your own crap. I'm not saying that to be funny, actually you're quite funny without your mental shortcomings, maybe because of your mental shortcomings? ...I don't know.... but handle that dude, seriously.
Yeah, "dude".

Tell you what, dude. If people want to pay 600$ for lights and be called "dude" by the company you gave your hundreds of dollars to, then having our merchandise shipped to a different address (and then lose it... how do you lose a box shipped to Canada from the US? It's not like you were sending the light to fucking Uganda!) I will refer these people to your company.


In the mean time, I'm pretty sure it's against the rules of the site for a LED manufacturer to harass its members (and wronged, paying customer on top of it) in their own journal.

If you want to defend your light, make a thread about it, post pictures, install a forum like CWL did, hire someone competent and nice like SME to give advice, and you'll get your exposure.

If all you have to do is stalk your wronged customers in the vain hope they don't say anything negative about you on the Internet, you're as much of an amateur businessman as I think you are. This is not how you build respect for your brand. Take a look at what CLW and Inda-Gro are doing for that lesson.

If you have any hope to succeed in business you're gonna have to readjust a few things.

Edit: and the reason I don't want you here is because you're an asshole.
So now you're accusing your customer of stealing? GREAT BUSINESS STRATEGY.

Seriously, listen to yourself.

Does it LOOK like I can't afford to pay for my shit?

The PayPal account wasn't mine, btw. It was a friend's. I don't have a PayPal account. I had to use PayPal because you did not have the tools to directly bill my credit card like most US retailers do (like CLW and Inda Gro did). Another sign of amateurism. Since you haven't invested in a proper webstore and payment gateway we're forced to adapt to your situation, so I Interac'd a friend the money which he forwarded to you. Interac doesn't exist in the US. Now you're giving a customer shit, who paid his invoice quickly, because he had to adapt to your limited circumstances?

Whoever signed for it I have no idea since you shipped it 1000KM from where I asked for the light to be delivered. Maybe you should call USPS and investigate? You know, since you're the mentally challenged retard who could not copy/paste 4 lines on a sheet of paper and slap it on a box.

I have ZERO commercial interest on this site. You certainly do. Do you think your current behavior is helping in ANY way at all? You think negative reviews are not part of doing business?

YOU ARE AN AMATEUR SIR! In every sense of the word.

Leave my thread now and I will never usher your name again. I certainly don't want to, but this is my journal you see?