Well-Known Member
Maybe so but its my impression every time they meet with FBI they do a status update on monies received as foreign agents or they remember more Russian meetings.
That is very true.
In all likelihood, that's what helped get that warrant signed off on to begin with. But they'd better have come out of there with something. ANYTHING. Or it will take an act of God to get any other warrant signed off on.
Judges are loath to sign off on warrants without good probable cause, even in the face of obvious shenanigans. It's not only their reputation on the line, it's their legacy, job, everything. You get into the habit of singing off on fruitless warrants and you'll very quickly find yourself out on the street.
You can get away with one, maybe two fruitless warrants and put that off on the authorities misrepresenting their probable cause. But most judges wont even risk it a 2nd time if you came out of there with nothing the first.