FBI, DHS Classify antifa as acts as Domestic Terrorism.


Well-Known Member

The KKK entrance exam must weed out anyone with an IQ above 70.
How do you know that?!
“We’re not white supremacists. We believe in our race,”

Tell us more about how nobody wanted to talk to you when you were forced to live in a poor neighborhood that disgusted you.

Dumbshit, with that kind of attitude, I doubt you could have come close to a hungry cat while holding an open can of tuna. I bet the rats shit on you. Nobody likes you here either.


Well-Known Member
You seem upset. Did his post hurt your poor oppressed white feelings?

Won't anyone think of the white people? Oh the humanity!

You are incapable of hurting my feelings, and it has nothing to do with the colour of your skin!!!


Idle threats are for cowards.

You either nut up or shut the fuck up.

I've always wondered, @abondonconflict, when you go to your race-hating meetings do you wear the red robe or the white one?

Another thing I wonder, when women that aren't Caucasian that only date Caucasians do you cut their face with a razor or pour battery acid on them while they sleep?

Since I'm not a pea-brained-bigot, I wonder if you classify all Caucasians as the same (French, Irish, German, Russian, Australian, etc.) even though their cultures, languages and geography are vastly different?

Oh yea, do you classify anyone that isn't Caucasian as being better than another that isn't Caucasian? For instance, do you believe people from Puerto Rico are superior or inferior to people from Brazil?

I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of your ignorant race-hate.



Well-Known Member

That's understandable.

Her family is probably well educated and hard-working, therefor they can afford to properly care for a horse. My family has owned many horses, now there is just one. People get old.

I wonder who stole the horse.

Probably someone who felt that family was oppressing them?

I imagine they blamed that family for their problems and sought out a way to punish them for earning and reward themselves for stealing.


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Well-Known Member
You are incapable of hurting my feelings, and it has nothing to do with the colour of your skin!!!


Idle threats are for cowards.

You either nut up or shut the fuck up.

I've always wondered, @abondonconflict, when you go to your race-hating meetings do you wear the red robe or the white one?

Another thing I wonder, when women that aren't Caucasian that only date Caucasians do you cut their face with a razor or pour battery acid on them while they sleep?

Since I'm not a pea-brained-bigot, I wonder if you classify all Caucasians as the same (French, Irish, German, Russian, Australian, etc.) even though their cultures, languages and geography are vastly different?

Oh yea, do you classify anyone that isn't Caucasian as being better than another that isn't Caucasian? For instance, do you believe people from Puerto Rico are superior or inferior to people from Brazil?

I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of your ignorant race-hate.

What did Batman say to Robin before he got in the car?

"Get in the car."