Oops. One might say your robe is showing.
Racism is the belief that a race is inherently better than another. In order for racism to matter, racists have the power to act against the race or races of supposed inferiority. I use the word racism in context of belief and power. In the US, racism is solely a mental illness of half or more white men and many white women.
One question I have, does support of US systemic racism by speech or deed define a person as racist?
I'm not aware of recent posts where racist was used in the manner you speak. Sometimes that word is misapplied, such as when
@Enigma says something about racism against whites. That is false in the US. Probably England too. I'd be willing to debate England, where the biggest canker sore on that society is classism. We have had British post here that falsely claim the two are the same. White Australians who post here are racist as all fuck.