Favourite video game?

Literally I only play pubg ever since it came out Xbox.
Even tho they fuck it with every update and you still lag out I love it.
I’m a huge fighting game fan.
The Street Fighter series is what I grew up on in the arcades and they’re still the best 2D fighting games ever made IMO.
When it comes to 3D, Dead or Alive is the series for me, and it’s Tina Armstrong all day, every day.
I was the first player to demonstrate that Tina was “God Tier” in DOA3, way, way, way back in the day.
If anyone wants to throw down in DOA6, or the Street Fighter Collection, just ask.
  1. Final Fantasy NES
  2. Phantasy Star Sega Master System (SMS)
  3. Miracle Warriors SMS
  4. Dragon Warrior NES
  5. Fallout series PC
  6. Minecraft PC
  7. GTA series various platforms
  8. Final Fantasy 7 (and the remake)
  9. Pokémon series (various platforms)
  10. Elder scrolls series (various platforms)
Console guy.. Xbox. Always enjoyed the Tom Clancy games.. Ghost Recon and shit. COD (Moden Warfare) ever since. Love playing live. Helps cut the edge after a shitty day.
Midnight club la would be up there as one on my favorites along with max payne and gta5. But played so many over the years thats it hard to pick one. :)
Need for speed rivals
Is what I've been playing

Halo 3 is my all time favorite

Is red dead redemption 2 any good?

It was released back in 2003 and is an awesome space based game, you can explore like 50 different star systems, it has a trading element in the game and a ton of different planets and starbases you can land on.
Is red dead redemption 2 any good?

If you like single player games I would definitely look into it, slow start but super meaty game. The online is about as shit as it gets though, they artificially mess with the payouts for gold bars and you end up having to do some really boring shit just to get your weapons along with the auto aimers who just shoot at anyone moving. We aren't talking GTA type griefing it is 100x worse, I don't think I have played a game with such mediocre online but single player is legendary.