favorite vacation destination


Well-Known Member
mine is rather common but ive only been there once and i was only 13-14 so i wasnt old enough to...do anything fun there...but LAS VEGAS!

I hella wanna go and get one of the nicest rooms i can and pretty much just like a rapper's life for a week. lol


Well-Known Member
maui was pretty dope, vegas was a close second, i would kill for a trip to new zealand


bud bootlegger
i don't know.. i've been to spain, italy, gernamy, belgium, ireland, and of course amsterdam... amsterdam is all that you'd think it is, then some, and spain is a very close second imo... :)

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
Right now anywhere that gets me out of the city would be a lovely vacation for me... could really go for some camping at Big Basin.


Well-Known Member
I like to drive down to Florida, going thru the mountains is always nice, then down to the ocean. And a small Caribean Cruise to the Virgin Islands is always cheap without the air fare( how the fuck is that spelled..lol)...gatta get those stand by cancelation deals...everything is paid for on the ship but drinks too. And I smoke my bud on those fuckers everytime. Never been close to busted...in fact, I've always found others to smoke with!...including the staff.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Southern Florida is my serious answer. From Disneyland, to the Evergaldes, to the Keys it offers the most ridiculous variety of things to do, and the most natural beauty....anywhere.

But I would NEVER live there.


bud bootlegger
Italy. I would live there if I could.
really danny?? i was in lake como and milan and venice.. i wasn't all that impressed... the sites were nice, but i wasn't crazy about the people there for the most part.. food is off the hook of course though..


Well-Known Member
out of town in a set of woods. preferably non hating land at this point. until i can get a license. somewhere desolate.
You can come chill in my backyard sometime....it's woods, then a lake, then more woods, then more lakes...it never stops for 20 miles.


Ursus marijanus
Cairo or Alexandria or Luxor
its got hash sheeshas and crazy market places
My guts just grumbled even thinking about it ... "Pharaoh's Revenge". Ever wonder why the angry mummy was always so conveniently covered in toilet paper? It was necessary ... cn