favorite things to do when high???

Kush Pu$her

let me know what u do when you high, listen to muzik? play games? eat? watch movies? talk? u get high and than what???:idea:


Well-Known Member
watch science documentaries lol. if u have netflix check out the 5 seasons of "the universe"


Well-Known Member
oh...i forgot...lurking in youtube...



Moderatrix of Journals
mmmmmm cannacashew blondies with canna-mel dark chocolate ganache.... that's right my man loves me. ;)
I like to eat cold fruit salad.

I sure wish I knew how to handglide; if I did, that would be what I like to do when im high.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I veg.

If i've something to do to do, that is to say not peel some bananas, then i don't see why i'd want to do it high, i'd rather concentrate and do it propperly. I also think that if i get into a habbit of doing all my daily routines, shopping and driving and such high, then it's really gonna fuck it all up for when i'm not high.


Well-Known Member
when im high i like to chill and get even more high, my mrs says i repeat myself when im high which annoys her but i dont......


Well-Known Member
when im high i like to chill and get even more high, my mrs says i repeat myself when im high which annoys her, but i dont.