ted bundy
Active Member
Whays normal for you might not be normal to me. Normal is a fucked up word.Did you know him? Tell us more. Do you really think its normal to kill people?.Im not trying to give you a hard time
Whays normal for you might not be normal to me. Normal is a fucked up word.Did you know him? Tell us more. Do you really think its normal to kill people?.Im not trying to give you a hard time
Agree.............Whays normal for you might not be normal to me. Normal is a fucked up word.
towards the end yes, to a few months before the killings took place. he became obsessed with helter skelter. but before that his philosophies and ideas and points he made about society was on point.That about sums it up, doesn't it? He was lazy messiah wannabe.
If you have a dissenting opinion, might i ask you for links to supporting material? cntowards the end yes, to a few months before the killings took place. he became obsessed with helter skelter. but before that his philosophies and ideas and points he made about society was on point.
but, i guess if all you do is skim the wiki page and listen to the media you wouldn't know any better. it's okay, thats what everyone does.
dont wanna be an american idiot, one nation controlled by the media...
Gein was NOT a serial killer ... He failed at even spree killing. of his TWO confirmed kills, only one kinda' ritualistic in nature. One killing was simply to cover up for his first (and only) proven "ritualistic" killing.... And, realistically, killing someone because you are a whiny bitch isn't "ritualistic." He dug up graves, made furniture, meat, and clothing from the bodies, but was not an actual predatory serial killer -- although he had the potential.
Ted Bundy was one of our nation's most prolific, he was extremely violent and a true sexual-sadist, his IQ was outrageous, and he didn't get caught for killing, per se -- it was his shitty driving that kept landing him in jails (where he'd escape.) Of course, we know how his story ended -- Tuesday is FRYday...
One of the most sadistic never even gets a nod in this thread. A pedophile with hundreds of victims, he killed and cannibalized some of his victims and then taunted both law enforcement and the families with his crimes. He wrote an infamous letter (that you can google and read) to the mother of one of his victims... He was Albert Fish. People forget Fish, but shouldn't... He's the inspiration behind such characters as Hannibal Lector... He was the serial killer other killers looked up to (Ed Gein and Ted Bundy both talked about his influence.) There's David Parker Ray, who had 60+ victims in Truth or Consequences New Mexico, there are also 3 in South America, who have a combined "high score" of greater than 900 victims. Averaging 300 kills each... There's the Congolese serial rapist/killer, never captured, hundreds of victims.
The most often overlooked, but prolific, sadistic, and efficient serial killer would be Hitler's "Angel of Death" Dr. Josef Mengele...
Serial killers are not normally mentally deficient in the traditional sense, as much as we wish otherwise. Serial Killers are EMOTIONALLY deficient, they lack the ability to actually feel emotions*. There are multiple theories about WHY -- nature/nurture is the strongest debate. Of course, there are notable exceptions to the "not mentally deficient" (Dahmer and Gein are exceptions, except, as noted Gein didn't have the requisite kills to join the club.) They are highly intelligent predators. As pointed out earlier, predators DON'T go for the strongest or fastest in the herd. That makes ritual murder no more acceptable (preying on the weak) but, it's dangerous to dismiss serial killers as "insane" or "crazy mental rejects." Serial killers traditionally have a few things in common ... A genetic predisposition towards violence, a history of abuse and sexual exploitation or humiliation, strict upbringings including violence, high IQ, but low social skills, and antisocial personality disorders, ranging from schizophrenia to psychopathic disorders (Psychopath and Sociopath are no longer "accepted" psychological terms, and have been superseded by the catch-all ASPD, or Anti-Social Personality Disorder.) Dismissing ANY predator, because it targets the weak, is very dangerous. A fast zebra doesn't just chill and eat grass because it KNOWS it's not the slowest, it still gets the fuck outta' dodge! Idolizing butchers is also not exactly "normal" though -- and people who look up to killers, especially serial killers, tend to lack emotional connections, and people around them should probably keep a closer eye on them.
*Lacking emotions is not an indicator of future serial violence. Many people are on the ASPD "spectrum" and don't become killers. Serial/ritual killings are normally a means to an end, or the end result that creates the "good feelings" sought by the killer. People can have both socipath/psychopath tendencies, or be sociopath/psychopath and abhor both violence and death. Most high level business and political figures would profile as sociopathic, or "having sociopathic tendencies (ASPD) ... A lack of emotion and/or remorse for "wrongs" is a key indicator as to whether a person is ASPD or not.
Here is my pussy bullshit. You are a really sick bastard and you need help before you live out you fantasies.Just wonderin if you guys have any. Mine would be green river killer. Or good ole' teddy. And I dont wanna hear any of that why do you like serial killer pussy bullshit.
Thank you for mentioning Dennis Rader, I can't believe no one had mentioned him yet. While he didn't obtain great numbers he did have an eye for quality of work and as Adam Savage says, "If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing."Washington produced 2 of the best/worst depends on your view!!! Ted Bundy (36 killed), Washington native and did some of his killing there, Gary Ridgway aka Green River Killer another Washington native (48 killed). Hillside Strangler while not from Washington, was caught after killing 2 women in Bellingham, WA.
Bind, Torture, Kill aka BTK, I grew up about a mile from his first victims (killed a family of 4) he was on the lamb for something like 30 years, when they finally caught him it was by his own doing, he started leaving clues to taught the police. This sick fuck worked for the city and was either a scout leader or church organizer. I think he only killed 7, but he got away with it for so long.
Thank you for mentioning Dennis Rader, I can't believe no one had mentioned him yet. While he didn't obtain great numbers he did have an eye for quality of work and as Adam Savage says, "If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing."
Then there's this, loved this movie!
Whoa that's creepy. Not to mention if a you guys were roasted and caught that, they weren't doing a very good job of surveillance. We're stoners it's bred into us to have an allergic reaction to the cops.I actually read through all posts to make sure I wasn't repeating my answer. Sad thing about BTK is the 2 movies they made about him were not even watchable!!!
So check this.... the house where he first killed, sat on somewhat of a busy street with a business park 1000' or so away. My friend and I used to get stoned and walk down to Chi Chi's and get Nachos, so one day we were coming back from Chi Chi's ('92/93 I'd guess, it was like the 20th anniversary of the killings) walking through the ally of the business park and we look up into this 2nd story window and see 2 men, camera's, scopes and all sorts of equipment. We instantly knew something was up and just booked it out of there (we were always afraid of cops) later that night they were talking about it on the news.
he is a genius..i just wish he didn't kill anyone; so many other ways to make your statement. if he does get out getting to use the technology to his avail?Hopefully he doesnt checkout to early........he still has another 7 life sentence's to serve.......bit piss weak if he doesnt finish the job
Ha.....after all that time in the slammer.....im tipping he will know how to steal cars and break into houses and stuff.......maybe best that he dies in jail or just gets on with serving the other 7 life sentences...he is a genius..i just wish he didn't kill anyone; so many other ways to make your statement. if he does get out getting to use the technology to his avail?last time he was out and about, we had dial-up AOL.