Favorite Nutes for a DWC system?


Basically im building a DWC in a black 5 gallon bucket.

what do you recommend for water level, nutes to use, and amout of nutes to be used?


New Member
Water level should be at the bottom of the net pot.
Nutes I would use are either foxfarm or advanced nutrients
PH about 5.8 and ppm depends on strain and age of plant. Start off around 900ish and slowly go up ove rthe next couple weeks to as high as 1400 depending on how the plant reacts.


Well-Known Member
just wanted to say that starting nutes at 900ppm is way to high. read around on here and youll see that most dwc guys start off with pure water until the sprout has two real sets of leaves and then you start low with around 300ppm and slowly work your way up each week.


New Member
just wanted to say that starting nutes at 900ppm is way to high. read around on here and youll see that most dwc guys start off with pure water until the sprout has two real sets of leaves and then you start low with around 300ppm and slowly work your way up each week.
Most tap water is over 500 ppm by itself. And to add the minimum nutes puts you at between 800-900 ppm.


Well-Known Member
yeah its best to know your waters starting ppm so you can take that into account when adding nutes. on the original question I am using GH Floranova and find it very easy to use. some people dont care for it cause its organic and it will stain your roots brown and your res water looks like coffee. at first I was adjusting my ph before adding nutes and my tap water would fluctuate quite a bit for the first couple of days but the nutes are ph balanced and suppose to prevent this. so I got thinking one day and decided to try something I just added my nutes to my tap water first and then checked the ph. it was right at 5.8 perfect and it did not fluctuate but very little. you will find that ph is the most annoying thing to try and control in DWC. it is best to just try and keep it in the 5.5 -6.5 area and not try to keep it at exactly one point.


Don't use your tap water for DWC. Your ppm is way to high to start and dosen't leave much for the addition of nutes. Your ppm with your tap and nutes will be off the charts. A gallon of distilled water will run you about 80 cents a gallon with a ppm of 0 and a stable pH. I like the Dutch Master Gold nutes. If you use the tap H20 you have, I don't think you'll have the results your looking for. Make sure you pick up some Magi/Cal or some other calcium/magnessium supplement. Good luck!

Illegal Smile

Some of this stuff is so much a matter of opinion it's like religion. IMO, ro water is better because water with solids is going to be naturally buffered to a certain pH. If it happens to be 5.8 you are gold. But if it is 7 you will have to work hard to drive pH down from where it "wants to be."

As for water level, if you have lots of bubbles you can have water an inch or so below the bottom of the netpot and the seeding will be watered fine. No need for top feeding or feeder tubes. Basically adjust water level so that the netcups are getting wet about half way up. Once roots are in the water you can lower water level to make them reach for the water.

I normally have roots in the water on the 6th day and I start light nutes at 350ppm on the 7th day. I ramp them up with growth to about 900ppm. Then I change res water on the 14th day and get up to around 1100ppm, according to nute maker's schedule.