favorite munchies???


Active Member
haha try it when your blazed and it will change you mind. i hate all of those foods but my friend made me try it and it was so damn good.


Active Member
Yeah this is the toke n talk forum I guess. lol.

For me right now it's the "jealous cuz im not baked and hella bored" forum


Active Member
haha i feel the same way. im to broke right now to afford the luxury of weed T_T


Active Member
I always scoff bagels with mini chicken fillets and cheese inside, topped off with coleslaw/garlic/honey bbq sauce. Takes 2 minutes to George it, toast the bagel and done.

Then there's Noodles, with stirfry veg (frozen, so just bang it in with the noodles and wait) normally with some chicken and curry flavouring. If I can't afford chicken I go vegeterian, does the job!

And for just munching, either Munchies, Jelly belly beans, McCoy's bbq rib rippled tortilla's, crossaint's stuffed with Nutella..

I could go on, but I thought of possibley the best munch in the world last night.. White chocolate Nutella! How imense would that be! I don't think I can die without having ever tasted what that could taste like..

I'm fookin staaarving! Waiting on Lasagne to cook.. :D


Active Member
I always scoff bagels with mini chicken fillets and cheese inside, topped off with coleslaw/garlic/honey bbq sauce. Takes 2 minutes to George it, toast the bagel and done.

Then there's Noodles, with stirfry veg (frozen, so just bang it in with the noodles and wait) normally with some chicken and curry flavouring. If I can't afford chicken I go vegeterian, does the job!

And for just munching, either Munchies, Jelly belly beans, McCoy's bbq rib rippled tortilla's, crossaint's stuffed with Nutella..

I could go on, but I thought of possibley the best munch in the world last night.. White chocolate Nutella! How imense would that be! I don't think I can die without having ever tasted what that could taste like..

I'm fookin staaarving! Waiting on Lasagne to cook.. :D
Please don't do that to me...torture! Sounds so bomb.