Coen Bros! absolutely!
Up in Smoke! yeah!
The Wall, haha sorry had to add that one, plus alice in wonderland and the the wizard of oz (if you watch in synch with Dark side of the Moon it makes u trip your balls out).. I'll add DAZED AND CONFUSED to the list too...
I'll have to disagree on Apocalypto, Omega Vermelho, I saw it recently, and don't take me wrong I loved the Fx, Action,entertainment, Nahual language etc.. but it does insult me slightly that our american (and by this I mean the whole continent) ancestral history is so inaccurately depicted:
For one thing the mayan civilisation had long since disappeared when The Spaniards 'discovered' America(thus it is highly inaccurate to show the spaniard boats approaching at the end). Furthermore there is much more to learn from the mayans other than considering them as bloodthirsty, aggressive warmongering savages (as in the film.) In fact, the mayans had a very advanced scientific understanding of mathematics(they were the first to consider 0 as a number), astronomy, and most important of all Botanics! Their methods of mountain cultivation remain an important part of Mesoamerican heritage to this day!