Favorite mary j songs


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It seems every forum I go to, there's a post about favorite songs about weed. Its a great topic because we all know weed plants love music, so I'm compiling a mp3 cd full of songs about my sweet Mary-Jane to play while im gone at work :-P.

I love all kinds of music, I'm a musician. So ANY kind of music tickles my fancy. Rap, rock, r&b, blues, classical, friggn JAZZ! (New Orleans native)

At the moment I have a bunch of Liszt playing in there.. I'm a big fan of Franz Liszt and Beethoven is also great to play.. along with Bach Chopin ect...

SO, light up a bowl, and think real hard and if you have any ideas of good songs talking about weed just share it with everyone including me.

THANKS! :leaf::leaf::leaf:


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