Favorite Guitar Players?


Well-Known Member
please listen to the black keys.

awesome blues guitar and its a newer band

oh yea and Jack White plays the fuck out of a guitar


Well-Known Member
David Gilmour
John Fogerty
Billy Gibbons
Jimmy Page
Joe Walsh
Tony Iommi
Tom Morello
John Frusciante

If I had to pick just one, it would have to be Santana.


Well-Known Member
I have tremendous respect for his ability but his music does nothing for me.
Yeah, same here. It all kinda sounds gay to me. Honestly though, there are way too many guitar players that just blow my mind to pick a best one.
I like the guitarists from Between the Buried and Me and the guys from Protest the Hero are amazing too.

what... huh?

Active Member
I am surprised at so much love for Paige. His riffs/tunes were awesome... but he was sloppy as hell.

If you like Eric Clapton, you should listen to JJ Cale.
If you like Santana, you should find Al DiMeola.

Satriani got no love I noticed.
Steve Vai either...
For that matter... what about dirty Frank? Zappa was brilliant.

Was nice that someone mentioned Django and Iomi.

Marty Freedman? Jason Becker?

Just so many...


Active Member
no particular order (besides jimi :))
jimi hendrix
paul gilbert
jason becker (also a personal hero)