Favorite food to combat the munchies


Well-Known Member
after a few blunts, i am hungry..depending on the weed i just smoked (we'll say the shit i smoked 4:20 lol) i am in no mood to cook..

So wheather you have a quick fix or a meal for 4,tell me what you like to satisfy that pot hunger..


Cool ranch Munchies

why: I was road tripping with all my friends back in december, ,n North carolina its cold as balls but its not snowy weather..After 3 days of straight up partying everyones hung over and ready to hit it the hell out of there..So i'm in the back seat keeping my Girl at the time warm..When we pull over at a gas station for some "trippin food.." So I was bitchin at the driver because i didnt want to blaze/pop..After i closed my eyes for two seconds, this asshole pulls out this irristible fat nug of some gold..after smoking 1 joint..I killed a bag of "cool ranch MUNCHIES!!!" in 5 minutes..I was not keeping my girl warm anymore thats for sher..

Townhouse chocochip scoop bowl thingy..

all i need is a friggen spoon and a few bites of some nice cookiedough and im a happy stoner..

so how bout yerself?


Active Member
lmao i dont really care any chips and shit like thats alllllllright

on 4 20 i was eating fucking salad so its basically watever i can find


Active Member
Orange soda and white castle....hands down the best. if youre to lazy to microwave a white castle burger youre a fucking loser


New Member
i try not to munch out when high,
sorta kills my buzz.

but my favorite food, if i do eat, is...
buffalo chicken on a sub, with bacon and chedder cheese, marinara sauce on the side.


Well-Known Member
yep cereal is the best. i like cap'n crunch , honey comb, coco puffs, count chocula. i know those are basically for kids but damn they are great.


Well-Known Member
Try this, it only takes a few minutes to make. take 2-3 parts brown sugar and 1 part peanut butter and just a little bit of dry oatmeal and mix it all up. its fucking amazing


New Member
What are cheddar munchies? Is it a craving for cheese?

No. I'm pretty sure they are talking about the brand name "munchies"

Its a bag of chips that has ALOT of different kinds of other chips in it...

They are off the hook! you should go buy some.


Well-Known Member
Cake, any kind. A whole fucking one too, none of this slicing bollox.

haha thats awsome man cake for sure!
i feel after i eat some food i tend to loose my buzz but when i do eat i try to eat good food not junk food like Thai is always a good one after blazing a few nice joints. i also like to do my own cooking i feel like i actually accomplish something haha :joint::joint::joint::peace: