Favorite drug besides mj?


Well-Known Member
I lived in st augastine for like 5-6 years when I was a kid I smoked weed their for my first time at 8 years old and my freinds little brother was only 5 his older brother use to steal it from his dad we where a bunch of degenerates I broke into my first house when I was ten our parents moved us away cause we where getting in trouble getting rides home from the cop stealing cigarettes from the store little delinquints


Well-Known Member
theirs some good yayo down florida but I've had garbage to fucking crack heads up the ass down their I hate crack heads and junkies I almost want to move to northern calli around the pot smoking hippies but I'm sure they got a shitload of junkies but atleast they got more pot heads than around here


Well-Known Member
Lol i know exactly what u mean shit really has changed in the last 10 years u were prolly here in the xanex epidemic lol or roxy epidemic.


Well-Known Member
But yeah the white girl i get is pretty rediculous. Its a bitch to get any good lsd around here tho real shitty


Active Member
This summer I will try shrooms and maybe acid. Only Weed and DXM at the moment, and they have been great.


Well-Known Member
i dont know ive done em all and i could care less. i love bud first and foremost. shrooms aregreat but not an everyday thing. i guesss my second favorite would khat but thats because i can get it. if it wasnt that some real good blow every now and then.


Well-Known Member
Favorite? Cid. MDMA is a close second.

Assuming MJ is my favorite, which it is....it's the only one I can use daily and experience very little side effects :hump:


Well-Known Member
i used to like codeine(like cough syrup) then i tried the more natural drugs and havent done anything unnatural since. shrooms and dmt are probably the only other thing i do now, i was thinking about trying lsd but i keep having second thoughts, cause why should i trip for hours on end when i can just smoke me a fat bowl of dmt and have the best 7 minutes of my life? lol never thought about caffeine though, i dont drink coffee but i drink entirely too much coca cola and dr pepper so i should probably add that to my list. maybe one day people will look at thc like they do caffeine, except mj is somewhat the opposite(or maybe i smoke too much). unless you got a nice haze or something with almost all white hairs.
Codeine is entirely natural. Natural /= good.

Picking a favorite is hard. I love 2C-B and MDMA a lot, opioids are nice because they make the hurting stop. GHB is awesome.


Well-Known Member
a nice love flip baby! mescaline and ecstacy, watch the music scroll by, I was afraid (couldn't tell it by the wide ass smile on my face) to turn around because I thought there would be a rainbow filled cartoon land behind me so I just sat there and was happy to watch the music scroll by.


Well-Known Member
fuck I wish, I don't even do that kind of shit anymore. This was a good 5-6 years ago. I'm totally with the law now!! errrr, that didn't sound right let me rephrase, I'm compliant with MOST all laws now. empty your inbox or nobody can PM you back!!


Well-Known Member
Emptied er but yo that sucks lol i like trolling takin lsd and ex but i cant get lsd anymore really or if i do its all shit.
Hit me up tho mr. Colorado