Fav beer? Cast Your Vote


Well-Known Member
Lets hear what you're into after you smoke a good bowl.

I'm into something light pre-smoke and a dark lager post.



Well-Known Member
All sounding good at the moment.

I've got a Stella in my hand right now after vaping some Vader OG with the lady.

I'll be tallying up each vote casted every week and posting totals.


Well-Known Member
Glacier Brewhouse Blonde :) There's always a keg in the kegerator and a spare keg right beside her. :)


Active Member
Bluemoon,Yuengling,and sometimes when my buddy "T" is around Natural Light cause he doesnt like lager....>cough> pussy <cough>....


Well-Known Member
nobodies favorite beer is natty that is science.

dead guy rogue is my fav

newcastle is cured using lamb intestine. not a joke look it up.


Well-Known Member
La Fin Du Monde - shit is like bread in a bottle. If I'm in a darker beer mood but want something very sweet then Maudite or Rogue's Double Chocolate Stout!


Active Member
Ommegang brews all the way here... particularly Three Philosophers, Ommegeddon, and Zuur. Also liking Magic Hat's #9. If I'm in a dive bar, a Sam Adams Boston Lager will suffice.