fattening ur buds with water?


Well-Known Member
pulled some hash out of my ground today and added water any budy want some. sorry dude just having fun, when you make a stupid comment like that we gotta have some fun with it


Well-Known Member
that's fucking greedy......... I sure am glad I don't live by you and have a chance to buy your bud.... I'd be Pissed. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you got more than just bud for sale, cause no true stoner would rip people off like that.
nope, i got bills to pay.

greedy? i dont think so. the amount of times i have ripped round here with weed being sprayed with petrol an shit.

it was only a question.


Well-Known Member
pulled some hash out of my ground today and added water any budy want some. sorry dude just having fun, when you make a stupid comment like that we gotta have some fun with it
I'm not making fun, I'm completely serious, what he does (or wants to do) is fucking greedy, and gives the rest of us the bad name that crack dealers and heroin dealers have.... it's bullshit, and I'd be willing to bet that he has a hand in something other than pot as well. be cause there is not a single person that I know (that only smokes pot) that would even think about doing that. NOT ONE. true stoners don't rip each other off. it's not even about being a stoner, but also that most stoners are peaceful, laid back, and just not greedy.

Not to mention that doing that would be the worst possible thing he could do to make money selling it, thats just stupid. you want to make money selling pot, give bags that are right on (or a little over) , and sell it for less than anyone else around you. that's how you make money, by making you customers happy, not ripping them off.


Well-Known Member
nope, i got bills to pay.

greedy? i dont think so. the amount of times i have ripped round here with weed being sprayed with petrol an shit.

it was only a question.
You are not on the dark-side yet mate, but you are close, you can probably feel it pulling on you! Resist we will help you grow shit so big and fat that you will not need to sell your soul in order to survive :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
hell i give some of mine away. i`m proud to share my good buds. we need more honest people in this field. but i geusse thats the way our youth today think. me me me me


Well-Known Member
I'm not making fun, I'm completely serious, what he does (or wants to do) is fucking greedy, and gives the rest of us the bad name that crack dealers and heroin dealers have.... it's bullshit, and I'd be willing to bet that he has a hand in something other than pot as well. be cause there is not a single person that I know (that only smokes pot) that would even think about doing that. NOT ONE. true stoners don't rip each other off. it's not even about being a stoner, but also that most stoners are peaceful, laid back, and just not greedy.

Not to mention that doing that would be the worst possible thing he could do to make money selling it, thats just stupid. you want to make money selling pot, give bags that are right on (or a little over) , and sell it for less than anyone else around you. that's how you make money, by making you customers happy, not ripping them off.
nope. just pot for 6 years.

b4 u started to grow, and had to buy it. u never got a shit deal, shit quality, shit quantity?

every1 has done worse round here. people even soaking it in LSD and saying its great stuff.

im not doing no harm to them. if the buds were fattend up then it wouldnt make much of a difference. they would still be weighed out and just look bigger.

i think u have the wrong end of the stick. it was just a question.


Well-Known Member
nope, i got bills to pay.

greedy? i dont think so. the amount of times i have ripped round here with weed being sprayed with petrol an shit.

it was only a question.
and how did you like smoking that weed?
you got bills to pay, take my selling advise I gave in my last post, it ALWAYS works, I've taught a few people to make money selling weed ( don't do it myself anymore, so had to pass on the secrets to how I destroyed all other sellers in my area). or get a second job.


Well-Known Member
pleasing the buyer makes that buyer that much more likely to keep buying from you even if he has alternative sources, it also means that if you're chill with referrals you're buyers will spread the good word about you... with a good reputation as an honest friendly seller, you can quite easily sell as much as you grow so if you want more money just grow more... but when you rip people off selling less for more by adding weight, you're being a dick to start, and in the long run everyone you sell to will eventually find someone else they'd rather buy from, and you'll sell a lot less. Did I mention you'd be a dick too?


Well-Known Member
i know iv`e been burned a few times and they were dealt with. actualy went to prison over one guy, fuckin rats. i like walking around my city holding my head up not over my shoulder. i guarantee it will bite you in the ass one day. come sell me some, lol


Well-Known Member
nope. just pot for 6 years.

b4 u started to grow, and had to buy it. u never got a shit deal, shit quality, shit quantity?

every1 has done worse round here. people even soaking it in LSD and saying its great stuff.

im not doing no harm to them. if the buds were fattend up then it wouldnt make much of a difference. they would still be weighed out and just look bigger.

i think u have the wrong end of the stick. it was just a question.
yeah, I've gotten shitty deals and nasty shit, and never went back to the fuckhead that sold it to me. and just because people around you have done worse shit, that makes it ok for you to rip people off?
It turned into more than just a question when you said you'd be selling it to other people.


Active Member
Do what u got to to bro. Its ur choice. Ppl do far worse. I done it b4 to brick weed to fluff it back up and look natural again. And when I did that they got less stem and seed cause I would pic them out.


Well-Known Member
Excuse me guys. I'm thinking of starting a gasoline company. I heard there's a way I can add water to my gasoline so it looks like you're getting more gas than there really is?

I'm not being greedy, all gas dealers have ripped you off at some point in your life. I'm just asking a question.

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Well-Known Member
ethic-ly when I used to sell. If someone asked if it was good and it wasent all I could say was " looks like shit but get u high, I'm smokin it"