Fathers: What did yours teach you? What's the most important thing to teach your kids?

My never really taught me anything, but he did let me have access to his tools so I learned a lot of what I know by that.

His famous words of wisdom are "A man can never have to many tools."

oh, and he did teach me how to make fried chicken.
Things I learned from my dad:
How to fix things that are broke
Shoot a gun
Ride motorcycles
Grow cannabis
Roll a joint
I learned a lot from my dad, but I try real hard everyday to be a better father to my son than he was to me, not that he was that bad. I just think if every person that has kids trys to out parent their parents then our kids will be better, and better, and so on.
Damn, that's my list....
ow no homie its not like that best thing is alway try if you can to get the first punch my jaw got fractured on a day like that dont let it happend see thier is no honor in fighting its not fair and it could be dangerous if someone wants to hurt you dont let them thats a fact they will hurt you and no honor in that.. just be carefull, and trained or not trained someone comes into close its on.. no way around that.. suit yourself just a lil advice specialy if your indanger..