Father will not approve

LOL there's always the @chewberto method, bypass the fuck, save your $20.00 and toss her right in the dumpster :lol:

Good to see you this morning Gare Bear :hug:
That's some plus rep thinking right there! Officer level stuff.

If OP has some of @tangerinegreen555's fabrication and repair mojo, that dumpster could be the launch pad for an exotic holiday on a budget.

@iamnobody, do you have a special subsidiary sweetie stash of particularly succulent lumber, y'know, "good enough to impress a girl who knows from marijuana"? Or perhaps the resin of romance or the bongwater of passion?

I also do not recall if you shared your Goodson's CHC* with the board. This is vital diagnostic info and will help steer our answers to be of more effective service in your effort to propagate your genotype.

*Goodson's Cock Holster Coefficient, a measure of how many dix you can fit in there at once

I can totally make a spreadsheet of the website wide CHC now.

Everyone start compiling the names and numbers and I will rock the shit out of it.
Have a date this weekend. First date I've had since high school (so its been over a decade)

We're going to have lunch then smoke a little. Just something chill to get to know each other.

Something I'm worried about is where to smoke that's safe. Last thing I need is to spend our first date in handcuffs. Both our places are off limits because... Well its the first time meeting each other. Don't know the area very well. I was thinking a park or the back of parking lot but idk
An interesting tag to draw attention to this thread.


Is this an assertion or an invitation?:confused:

This tidbit of information may well narrow your options of places to go.o_O