Fat Stomper - 13 * Grow On! II


Well-Known Member
Party? Did someone say party?
Party on Garth.

Okay so I got this new garden going and there are 3 Fat Stomper-13's in ther:


That's 27 days veg from seed.

Here's the group shots:


I don't remember which ones are which in those pictures.
I'm getting ready to transplant now - those shots were taken yesterday.

Not sure what all I want to flip just yet; but here are the others in my new grow:


I got some spots and shit on them from smoking too much around them.
It's been a long time since I had all little ones, and I was liking sitting next to the room under the light in this funky weather.
So I didn't know my smoke was getting drug in the fans and coating the plants.
I stopped that! Then I sprayed them with pH adjusted aged tap water.
They are already improving from the looks of things today.

I want to flip the light cycle yesterday; so it won't be long now for sexing, etc.


Well-Known Member
Took some pictures yesterday before switching to Bloom light cycle.
So far so good - no bugs and acid rain problem fixed.

I chose 8 to flip - 3 Fat Stomper-13's, 3 Purple Marty's, & 2 Grape Stomper's.
Here is a group shot from above and the side:


The Fat Stomper-13's:


Purple Marty's:


Grape Stomper's:


I have them in #5 low profile pots.
Height for Fat Stomper-13's is @ 12 inches.
If I got my figuring proper it is exactly 35 days since I placed seeds inside wet paper towels for germination.
Been about 2 months total since eradicating everything because of root aphids.
It is a good feeling to be back in Bloom cycle - I forgot how that feels.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I planted 2 of my Fat Stompers, one has popped above the soil, and I expect the other will soon as well.

So far so good. I'll post up some pics when I get true leaves


Well-Known Member
All 5 popped with a runt and an odd one.





This one is the runt. When it popped the tap root was really short. Almost stunted.


This one was the first to pop and grew a really long tap root in the paper towel compared to the others. A couple days ago I had to coax it out of the soil since the stem was the only thing popping out. Then today I had to use the tines of a fork to carefully bend the stem upward as it acted like it wanted to grow back into the ground like ground cover or ivy does. Hopefully it decides it likes to stay above ground. I've named this one the "Dufus pheno" lol



Well-Known Member
Belle has 5 Fat Stomper-13 in cubes. Party has started.
A friend in Gaylord called this morning and said they have a sweet
purple pheno of the Fat Purple. They don't fuck around on riu, but hopefully
he will send us pics soon.