Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

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Well-Known Member
Just some pics of the impregnated Fat Purple and the Purple Mr.Nice also impregnated. I see purps in my future!:lol:




Well-Known Member
grats on the pregnancy twins?:-P
Nope, I got a Fat Purple Male and a Fat Purp Female. I crossed them to each other and I also crossed the FP male to my Purple Mr.Nice Fem. The seed pods are freakin huge, so I'm geeked to see the end result of it all! Thanks Marty, Glad and Belle!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, yea it seems to be. Hoping for all purple by the grows end. It's not super important but would be nice. The male that I used showed very good stem thickness at the base and leaf structure was good. The node separation also was tight the way I like it. The female showed very good traits as well. I will keep breeding the males and females and I might keep a female for mothering when I find a good one out of the batch of seeds. The smell of the buds is lightly fruited with a little hint of pachuly or earthy smell. It's not overwhelming but very nice.


Well-Known Member
Green Marty lol...

This is def my favorite plant of all I have going right now. The OG is peeking in for a picture too.

Shitty pic tho..



Well-Known Member
Well it looks like harvest in two days. The trich's are 80% milky! Pics to follow...

Edit: Or should I wait for the pistols to turn redish. The reason ask is purple coloring gets better each day. I know the deal that when the trichs are milky as much over the plant as they can be it's time to harvest but should I wait till i start to see amber? I know every strain is different to.


Well-Known Member
Drakes, here in the UP started his fat purple a few days ago. He will send me weekly phone pics. He is almost ready to have his first harvest. Not bad.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Amazing structure to this thing, the stalk and arms on this thing are like oaks. There is no bud on earth that could bend these things over. I thought there was something wring when looked aminute ago there was a some brown looking spots in the little tiny flower startings on it but that was actually jsut the pruple already showing. The pace is picking up and the thing is going good. Pics to come but I'm getting fired up about this plant now.
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