Fat Banana First time Growing


New Member
Hello guys,

Need help trying to figure out what is wrong with my plant.. She is 4 weeks old, fat banana strain.. Here are some details

- Growing in 3L Pots ( small sized plants )
- Growing with Bio Bizz Light Mix
- First two weeks no feed.. then from week 3 started with the Bio Bizz Organic nutes.. 1ML grow, 1/2 bloom 1/2 Topmax.
- No CALMAG Added so far
- Checking and doing watering properly ( only adding water when they actually need and pots r light )
- Using Solux Titan 4 LED 120W
- indoor grow tent, got the exhaust + fan running
- temperatures round 23/25C during day, and night time 19/21C and Humidity rounds the 55/60%

The plant was and i think still is doing VERY WELL, but from 2 days ago, bottom leaves starting to go yellow on the edges, and its getting worse hour by hour.
Im PHing the water, and always give them @ PH 6.5
MY worry is that the soil meter reads 7.8/8 PH.. to make sure my meter was working fine, i took a sample from my soil bag and did a test on that.. still showed 7.8PH when biobizz light mix should hv 6.1/6.3..... So i thought my meter was fckd up..
Then i watered that same sample with 4PH water to recheck the levels with soil meter again on the SAMPLE FROM THE BAG not from my plant. and It actually went down to 6.5..

So now i dont know what to do.. or what to think.. if its a pH problem or not.. just getting concerned.. anyone has any idea of what this can be? added pictures below

Many thanks guys


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I’d cut that leaf off and flush your plant with R/O water and continue to use R/O water with your feeding. It’ll save time on ph fluctuations your having
I’d cut that leaf off and flush your plant with R/O water and continue to use R/O water with your feeding. It’ll save time on ph fluctuations your having

Bruv, the thing is i did defoliate and fimmed 4 days ago.. this can also be the plant reacting to it..
Anyhow, ill do what u recommended, ill do my best, however, i was reading up about defolation and they say we should NOT defoliate whenever just like that.. that the plant requires a 10 to 20 days intervale between each defoliation session.. with this said, u still recommend me to cut it off? knowing i cut off +/- 4 leaves not even a week ago.

Cheers n thanks for the time
I have the same issue. Growing in hydroponics with General Hydroponics floranova grow / bloom. I started with the ph at 5.7 which worked perfectly in the last grow (diff strain), but on this one leaves were going yellow all over the place. I also noticed that the ph was dropping over time. It went down to 5.5 / 5.4 which is too low. I too thought that my meters are off but they are in fact calibrated and I am using more than one to triple check it. I drained the water and filled up a new mix with ph at 6.2 (tds 450). The yellowing slowed down (still signs of it here and there but not as bad as before). Interestingly, the ph still drops over time so it is now down to 6. I top up everyday with more nutes at 6.3 to keep the ph in range. For TDS the water is at 600-700 ppm (now week 5 of grow). Just switched to 12/12 (as it went into week 6) and started introducing bloom in the notes (about 50/50 mix). Same TDS. I think i will hold it at that level until the end... maybe ramp it up to 800 as it gets bigger.

In early grow (weeks 2-4), I did cut off the leaves that were yellowing and the plant is just fine. So I wouldnt worry about doing that.