fastest seed germination! sometimes 24hrs no presoak


New Member
i been getting such amazing results as far as speed in germination i just had to share. sure germinating is easy, but some people still struggle. this method is so easy that no one should have a problem unless they have bad seeds. it cost almost nothing including time.

you will need:
seeds, good seeds
tap water, just water from the city, i dont even ph until they're planted in the medium.
paper towel(i use cheap bounty basic)
empty snus container, anything similar that blocks all light should work as good maybe even an empt chew container.
warm area (mine says 76F but gets in the low 80s. its in a closet which contains a furnace)

cut a piece of paper towel the same length but double the width of the container so you can fold it in half and its fits perfect inside the snus container or whatever you're using. put it in the container and get it pretty damp, almost dripping. put your seeds on the unfolded paper towel and make sure they're not touching. fold the paper towel over and make sure it's snug on the top of the seeds. put it in the warm area. check in 24 hours and dont be surprised if some hatced. after that check ever 12 hours or whenever you get bored.

from my experience since changing to this method, i had 10 purple kush seeds which i bred mysef. a few looked slightly deformed but i threw them in anyway. after only 24 hours, 3 out of 10 sprouted. the next day 2 more sprouted. after less than 72 hours 8/10 sprouted. the other 2 i think were just bad and threw them out. just recently i got 3 chernobyl seeds, TGA genetics. within 24 hours 1 sprouted. after less than 36 hours total, the other 2 sprouted. as soon as i see a root sticking out, i put in the medium.

hope this helps anyone having trouble. otherwise for the pros out there, if you dont get this kind of speed i suggest giving it a try. fuck i suggest everyone try with some garbage seeds just so you have actual proof to yourself on how well this works. good luck and may your buds be as green as mine and free of charge ;-)

if anyone has any problems using this method feel free to ask. you should get the best results. i dont presoak and i dont file the shell down. i dont even store them in any special way in fact i have all my seeds in baggies labeled by strain in a dresser drawer. my theory is that filing down a seed risks damaging it. presoaking is a waste of time because when you germinate the humidity is near 100% anyway. presoaking also saves you no time because as soon as you start the presoak, your essentially starting the germination process so really your adding an extra day. besides that, mj plants are resilient, a healthy seedling should have no trouble getting through the shell. i also touch the germinated seed believe it or not. i just dont touch the root. im always too afraid to crush it with tweezers or another object.


New Member
good thing you were the first person to think of this method :rollingeyes:
your the only one to claim im the first person to think of this method. i guess i could take that as a compliment. i just have so much faster results than any other way i have done it in the past. i used to think nothing beat the paper towel in a plastic bag method which i learned from high times. maybe you should stay on subject as tell me if you found a better way or if you know of any way to improve it. of maybe you have trouble germing yourself and i could assist you.
This is the paper towel method, you just put it in the can instead of the bag? In my experience the temp. is the main factor in germ. time. And no 24 hours is not surprising or uncommon.


New Member
This is the paper towel method, you just put it in the can instead of the bag? In my experience the temp. is the main factor in germ. time. And no 24 hours is not surprising or uncommon.
yes, you are right, but from my experience, it didnt seem like i got them in 24 hours as often. maybe because their is more oxygen since the container is more open. or it's very possible i wasnt doing something as well as what people normally do. i posted this more for newbs and probably the wrong section for this. i used to see it all the time about people complaining about not being able to germinate a seed and they would blame the seed bank. i've even seen posts of people wanting to give up because they couldnt do it even though its so simple. different for everyone i guess. its also much easier than dealin with a plastic bag by far.