fastening scrog to the top of dwc bucket


Well-Known Member
What are the metal rods used to attach a screen to the top of a dwc bucket called if one were to look in home depot for them?


Well-Known Member
drill hole in the top of the lid. 1" pvc pipes for the whole screen and attatchments. Pvc endcap with hole drilled in the middle (lined up to the hole in the lid). Single bolt and a wingnut fastens the screen to the dwc lid.
if you have a recirulating system i wouldnt recommend this. It is made more for single site DWC grows. I have seem them work well with ebb and grow buckets as well.

Have to make a grasscity account to see the pictures but full tutorial found here


Well-Known Member
.... sigh. Yes for systems you never have to move that is the best way. I run single site dwc scrog buckets. Hanging it from the ceiling does not work with my grow. Thanks for saying the exact thing you already stated above.


Well-Known Member
Best way I found is to get 4 shelving brackets attach all 4 to side of bucket using large head screws with a little silicone etc also can use o rings on inside to prevent leaks also can use epoxy glue and glue wood, plastic etc to outside of bucket then attach brackets to them. Then get 1/2" PVC using end caps attach to brackets then build your size scrog from there.


Well-Known Member
or you can use metal/bamboo plant stakes and chicken wires. make an reverse teepee from your takes. and fasten your chicken wire to your reversed teepee.


the only way to do it is like bigz was saying using small diam. pvc pipe and fitting it to the lid itself and having the screen be independent of the rest of the buckets only way it works with RDWC since you cant move the buckets its still 100% a bitch to fuck with I've thought of doing it 100x and the work involved to do it is really not worth it..just get your skills up and yeild will follow..


New Member
I can post pics of mine.. they are all 24x24 1/2" PVC frames then with a base I bungie it to the top of the lid, so it lifts off as normal. Easy cheap and effective.


New Member
I would love to see the pic
As you can see it is quite simple, and thinking outside the box.

1/2" dia. cvpvc all just pressed together, allows easy modification on fly during grow, as well as light weight, lifts with lid etc. No METALS, POLES rods etc. It has evolved to a upper cola support frame as well, and works great for 4-5 ft plants scrogged.


Accomodate ANY net pot or plant height etc by adding or modifying legs etc. This contraption alone 3-4x my yield per plant, PERIOD. Best thing ANY grower can do on limited height. No nutes, lights, co2 or any other magical snakeskin can produce like a SCROG especially in DWC.