FastBuds Auto Girl Scout Cookie / Auto Gelato


New Member
Hey guys!

First time grow with fastbuds (my 3rd grow over all)

So im semi new / semi know what im doing! Haha.

I have 2 GSC and 2 Gelato growing - All 4 seeds have were planted 60 days ago and they're all still in veg...

Im concerned i have photo's and not autos! Or maybe they're just going to be a big auto grow! Haha.

Any advice? I dont want to flip to 12/12 if they're just late blooming autos, but i also dont want to keep growing if they wont flower without a flip?



Well-Known Member
You definitely have photo's.

I've bought many of seeds from FastBuds (mostly GSC) and i've had girls finish in 63 days from seed. Anywhere from 63-77 days.

You would be best to flip now. But how tall is your tent? You are going to have some MASSIVE girls.


New Member
Ahhh! I thought that was probably going to be the case!

Oh well - Should i keep em @ 12/12 once they flower? or revert to more light?

Also, im guessing im going to get a lot more bud from this due to the long veg? So it's not like i've lost out in grow time / electric etc? Haha.

TheDifferenceX - That is one sexy looking GSC!

Really disappointed though, not sure how i can get 2 packs of normal rather than auto - How often does this happen with fastbud? Is it a known issue?



New Member
Hey guys,
Just an update! I think the plants must have heard out convo because theyve all kicked into pre flower! Well atleast, im PRETTY sure these are pre flower?? Haha!
Surely 60 days of veg has to be a record?!



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
Just an update! I think the plants must have heard out convo because theyve all kicked into pre flower! Well atleast, im PRETTY sure these are pre flower?? Haha!
Surely 60 days of veg has to be a record?!
I don’t see it. Still looks like veg to me. You’ll know for sure in a couple days though.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
Just an update! I think the plants must have heard out convo because theyve all kicked into pre flower! Well atleast, im PRETTY sure these are pre flower?? Haha!
Surely 60 days of veg has to be a record?!
It’s most likely just reached maturity if it’s still on more than 12/12.

You’ll have to flip to 12/12 to get her to flower.


Ahhh! I thought that was probably going to be the case!

Oh well - Should i keep em @ 12/12 once they flower? or revert to more light?

Also, im guessing im going to get a lot more bud from this due to the long veg? So it's not like i've lost out in grow time / electric etc? Haha.

TheDifferenceX - That is one sexy looking GSC!

Really disappointed though, not sure how i can get 2 packs of normal rather than auto - How often does this happen with fastbud? Is it a known issue?

Fast buds only sells autos from what I’ve gathered. I’m currently growing zkittlez, Pineapple Express, lemon ak, lsd-25 and all are doing great, I mean I think so anyhow lol