Fast Bud Grow, 48 days from seed.


This is the autoflower fast bud. It has around 200w of CFl on it. Tell me your thoughts about it, its my first grow. Im a little worried because some leaves are drooping down a little.

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Ive been giving it molasses for about half a month now each watering.....when should it be ready for harvest.


Well-Known Member
not sure, have never grown autos. How far are cfls from plant? They look like they need more light. What kind of cfls are you using? In flower (not sure if this is same for autos) but you should be using 2700k which has more red spectrum than that of 6500k (daylight).

How often to you water? How big is your pot? Are you using any other nutes?

Looks like you have a ways to go yet.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people don't know this for some reason. Im not sure if this is the case for your plant. During a plants dark cycle, night time, a marijuana plants leaves will droop, that is basically their way of sleeping, saving energy. Plants leaves will also droop from being root bound or under watered.


Active Member
first off Ive never had a plant finish within the time frame the supplier said.

It kinda looks like overwatering and from what I can tell you got another 40ish days. I'm basing this guess off of all my auto grows. usually around day75-85 there good.


Im using fox farm ocean forest soil,the cfls are about 3 inches from the plants. And i water about every 4 or 5 days with molasses.


Active Member
and I don't believe you should be watering with mollasas every watering I thought it should be every other watering. also are you not using any nutrients?


Active Member
Im still going to guess it's over watering. my temps are that pretty much exactly right now and in 3 gal pots I don't water for up to 10days at times depending on the size of the plant. at much colder temps the water isn't evaporated from the soil as much as well as at lower temps it sorta slows down growth, it's not detrimetal it's just plants grown in colder in my experience always took longer. is the soil dry before you water? eithr way it doesn't look like the plants abou to die, I wouldn't do anything jurastic to her, and just watch.


Ya its pretty dry before i water, and after i water i might not water them for a whole week maybe even a little more sometimes.the leaves always perk back up after i water.
sweet... I don't know much but i think you should eas up on the molasses not stop but not so much but im new and i dont grow just love bud and have a green thumb one day ill put the two loves together. for now i just watch and learn. thanks for putting it out there looks great.also i think its good to get a lil dry but a week and some just seems cruel. less sweets more food for the babes.:)


Active Member
I have potted young plants in 6gal pots where I literaly didn't need to water for two weeks at a time untill they grew bigger. time frame doesn't matter it's just how much water is in the medium and how long it takes to use it up.


Active Member
Your darling is showing signs of Nute deficiencies too. Are the tips getting yellow, or am I seeing things? You'd be surprised at how much energy (nutrient uptake required) that little plant requires to get to this stage of development. Your soil could easily be depleated of its' nutrients by now and Molasses isn't going to cut it. I'd loose the molasses altogether. Aren't you trying to learn how to grow your best? Natural taste is just fine with most folks. IMHO, I'd focus on trying to get the best that the plant has to offer. Few people rarely grow a plant to her full potential. Firstly, Auto-flowering is a genetic disposition that has been "bred" into her. It is purely a function of her age and has little to do with the photo-period, period. The CFL's are definitly one of your bigger problems. They are fine for cuttings, seedlings and early on growth, but my preference would be to get at least 40 W/ft.2 of HID for vigorous growth and budding. How many watts are you running? 4 @ 50W in the four upper corners would be better than one 200W top CFL. They have (PM me if you need) a 125W CFL that is 2700K that would be beneficial, but requires a mogul base. Problem with Fluorescent light, is that they have little power and canopy penetration. That's why people hang them a mere 4-6" from the tops. At the flowering stage, your baby should grow a final burst. She'll amaze you at the changes. After that, she really needs the lower Kelvins to achieve the best bud development. Your temps should mimic nature, that is 75 day to 65 nights (+/-5 degrees). One can swing all the way to 95 in the day with adequate CO2, but for now shoot for those targets. If I were you, I'd buy a book by one of the infamous authors that are experts. This way you can read anytime you want and gain a much faster knowledge of what you can expect. The growing of this miraculous herb is but a gift from God... It is also highly addictive.


Active Member
very good info, one thing though in my experience you can grow fine in the 60's even high 50's although they may take a week or so longer but you'll get those purples! I only bring this up so the OP doesn't feel he "needs" to worry about that as well.