• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fascist Facebook???


Well-Known Member
Yes stay in 'skool', otherwise you might just end up like this guy spending your life doing nothing but posting dumbass bullshit in a marijuana forum. 20,000 posts in a year and a half cracker, do you take bathroom breaks?


New Member
But that's what happens when a segment of the population doesn't know BASIC history....and then tell you ur nuts... :roll:

like getting an F at skool and bitching out the teacher because YOU don't know anything.

I'm not their teacher...but if they insist on looking uninformed...what can I do? let the misinformation just sit here UNCORRECTED?



New Member
Ayn Rand had it correct when she said: "The Communists and the Nazis are two rival gangs fighting over the same territory."

The Nazis were Germany's National SOCIALIST party. They promoted the sacrifice of the individual for the good of the State. Communists support the sacrifice of the individule for the good of the "Community." Same thing. In fact, at one point, the Nazis and the Communists worked together to advance both entities.
What a bunch of crap.
The Fascists, like the Nazis, promoted a national rebirth of their country; opposed communism and liberalism;
I think if they opposed communism and liberalism, they must have been trending to the right, NO?


New Member
See FDD? :lol:

What to do when so many just don't know their own history?

So Med Man.... the Nazis OPPOSED Communism?? really? Is that why they made an alliance? Was that sheer trickery to fool ppl 60 years later? Wow...that Hitler was a PLANNER wasn't he? Is that why Molotov visited Berlin several occasions BEFORE they signed the alliance?

Take ur time....think it through....

Only the LEFT has committed mass genocide upon its own ppl....only the LEFT.

Isn't that the REAL reason why all of you "progressives" (what an oxymoron) cannot admit the SIMPLE and BASIC truth?

Sure it is,.... you need a foil...to say ...see? They do it TOO.... but no...that would be INCORRECT!

Only the left ends up KILLING EVERYONE. Only the LEFT....


New Member
See FDD? :lol:

What to do when so many just don't know their own history?

So Med Man.... the Nazis OPPOSED Communism?? really? Is that why they made an alliance? Was that sheer trickery to fool ppl 60 years later? Wow...that Hitler was a PLANNER wasn't he? Is that why Molotov visited Berlin several occasions BEFORE they signed the alliance?

Take ur time....think it through....

Only the LEFT has committed mass genocide upon its own ppl....only the LEFT.

Isn't that the REAL reason why all of you "progressives" (what an oxymoron) cannot admit the SIMPLE and BASIC truth?

Sure it is,.... you need a foil...to say ...see? They do it TOO.... but no...that would be INCORRECT!

Only the left ends up KILLING EVERYONE. Only the LEFT....
You must certainly be deranged. Here is a bit of current history:
W was certainly from the right, Neocons ect. His Iraq war has killed at least 200,000, (Some figures put the loss of life as high as 1,000,000+) and the DU munitions left laying everywhere causing radioactive dust will certainly kill thousands more with cancer. Even as we speak, the rate of childhood cancer is increasing exponentially.


Active Member
CJ, if you read some books, I'm sure you can figure out why nazi germany made a non-aggression with the soviet union DESPITE their ideological differences. The main reason was that the germans realized that fighting the ussr and the western allies at teh same time was too much of a gamble so they made a tactical decision to sign a ribbentrop-molotov pact even though their strategic goal was always to defeat the bolsheviks and settle the east with germans.

You're obviously an idiot and don't know shit. The 'publik skool' you constatly speak of might actually do some good in your case, you pedantic fuck.


New Member
CJ, if you read some books, I'm sure you can figure out why nazi germany made a non-aggression with the soviet union DESPITE their ideological differences. The main reason was that the germans realized that fighting the ussr and the western allies at teh same time was too much of a gamble so they made a tactical decision to sign a ribbentrop-molotov pact even though their strategic goal was always to defeat the bolsheviks and settle the east with germans.

You're obviously an idiot and don't know shit. The 'publik skool' you constatly speak of might actually do some good in your case, you pedantic fuck.
I wholly agree with this post!


New Member
Hitler COPIED the Soviets.... he EMULATED their tactics..

Go back... I know this requires a bit of effort on your part... go back and look at the EARLY propaganda Hitler was spewing. Look at the posters...and then look at the Soviets.... they are the SAME.

The ONLY reason Hitler did not PUBLICLY (important point) endorse Communism is that they figured out through FLOATING those early posters that it was NOT gaining them any traction with his fellow germans....so they changed their PUBLIC stance.

Honestly..you all need to do some homework...U R thoroughly confused on this very basic point of historical FACT.

If you were taught this in skool...you have my pity....but now you KNOW the truth of the matter.

Only the left kills it's own ppl systematically...only the left.

That of course COULD change...but SO FAR ...mass genocide has come from the LEFT.

including the Khmer Rouge and the Viet cong and North korea and China and russia AND germany...it is easily over 150 million ppl exterminated by SOCIAL ENGINEERING.

This is why Americans get very nervous around Communists...and why as Obama shows his stripes as a pure Socialist/Statist...his numbers FALL. and continue to fall.


New Member
So CJ, What about all those killed and are being killed by your special friends, the NeoCons? They are certainly from the right and the killing continues under the guise of terrorism. I'd not be surprised to see at least a million dead from these two wars, unnecessary wars at that. From your friends on the right and the war profiteers, that's right, corporations that are making bank from these wars. I assume you think that is wonderful, killing for profit, as long as it is brown people, or yellow people, or black people, but let one white person die, and the wars begin.


New Member
Let's see....

The two most murderous regimes of the past century were both Communist: communists in the Soviet Union murdered 62 million (62 freakin million)of their own citizens, and Chinese communists killed 35 million Chinese citizens. The Nazi socialists come in third, having murdered 21 million Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians and others. Additional purges occurred in smaller communist hellholes such as Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Ethiopia, and Cuba, of course. Communism does more than imprison and impoverish nations: it kills wholesale. And so did "national socialism" during the Nazi reign of terror.

i'm sorry....you had a point med? No...I didn't think so.


Who wrote this???? Anyone???? Since you 're all so up on ur history... :roll:

Go ahead and google.... I'll wait.

We are socialists because we see in socialism, that is the union of all citizens, the only chance to maintain our racial inheritance and to regain our political freedom and renew our German state.
Socialism is the doctrine of liberation for the working class. It promotes the rise of the fourth class and its incorporation in the political organism of our Fatherland, and is inextricably bound to breaking the present slavery and the regaining of German freedom. Socialism therefore is not merely a matter of the oppressed class, but a matter for everyone, for freeing the German people from slavery is the goal of contemporary policy. Socialism gains its true form only through a total combat brotherhood with the forward-striving energies of a newly awakened nationalism. Without nationalism it is nothing, a phantom, a mere theory, a castle in the sky, a book. With it it is everything, the future, freedom, the Fatherland!
The sin of liberal thinking was to overlook socialism's nation-building strengths, thereby allowing its energies to go in anti-national directions. The sin of Marxism was to degrade socialism into a question of wages and the stomach, putting it in conflict with the state and its national existence. An understanding of both these facts leads us to a new sense of socialism, which sees its nature as nationalistic, state-building, liberating and constructive.
The bourgeois is about to leave the historical stage. In its place will come the class of productive workers, the working class, that has been up until today oppressed. It is beginning to fulfill its political mission. It is involved in a hard and bitter struggle for political power as it seeks to become part of the national organism. The battle began in the economic realm; it will finish in the political. It is not merely a matter of pay, not only a matter of the number of hours worked in a day-though we may never forget that these are an essential, perhaps even the most significant part of the socialist platform-but it is much more a matter of incorporating a powerful and responsible class in the state, perhaps even to make it the dominant force in the future politics of the Fatherland. The bourgeois does not want to recognize the strength of the working class. Marxism has forced it into a straitjacket that will ruin it. While the working class gradually disintegrates in the Marxist front, bleeding itself dry, the bourgeois and Marxism have agreed on the general lines of capitalism, and see their task now to protect and defend it in various ways, often concealed.
We are socialists because we see the social question as a matter of necessity and justice for the very existence of a state for our people, not a question of cheap pity or insulting sentimentality. The worker has a claim to a living standard that corresponds to what he produces. We have no intention of begging for that right. Incorporating him in the state organism is not only a critical matter for him, but for the whole nation. The question is larger than the eight-hour day. It is a matter of forming a new state consciousness that includes every productive citizen. Since the political powers of the day are neither willing nor able to create such a situation, socialism must be fought for. It is a fighting slogan both inwardly and outwardly. It is aimed domestically at the bourgeois parties and Marxism at the same time, because both are sworn enemies of the coming workers' state. It is directed abroad at all powers that threaten our national existence and thereby the possibility of the coming socialist national state.
Socialism is possible only in a state that is united domestically and free internationally. The bourgeois and Marxism are responsible for failing to reach both goals, domestic unity and international freedom. No matter how national and social these two forces present themselves, they are the sworn enemies of a socialist national state.
We must therefore break both groups politically. The lines of German socialism are sharp, and our path is clear.
We are against the political bourgeois, and for genuine nationalism!
We are against Marxism, but for true socialism!
We are for the first German national state of a socialist nature!
We are for the National Socialist German Workers Party!


Stay in skool kidz!!! Maybe get a new teacher!!


Active Member
Finally....nicely done, CJ. You're totally wrong but at least it's substantive. Bravo.

Fascism and Communism are NOT the same. I know that in order for your whacky glenn beck theories to make sense they need to be, but they aren't.


Well-Known Member
Finally....nicely done, CJ. You're totally wrong but at least it's substantive. Bravo.

Fascism and Communism are NOT the same. I know that in order for your whacky glenn beck theories to make sense they need to be, but they aren't.
quoted for truth.


New Member
Never said they were the same. if that's all you can salvage...i understand...but you obviously have to make up both sides of the equation to do it...and that's a fail.

The Nazis were socialists and were politically from the LEFT.

Thank YOU for finally admitting that.

Which was my entire point..... checkmate and match. (it was easy too)


*** Notice how you couldn't answer the question without a complete capitulation....


New Member
Never said they were the same. if that's all you can salvage...i understand...but you obviously have to make up both sides of the equation to do it...and that's a fail.

The Nazis were socialists and were politically from the LEFT.

Thank YOU for finally admitting that.

Which was my entire point..... checkmate and match. (it was easy too)


*** Notice how you couldn't answer the question without a complete capitulation....
Not that you would care, but here's some google news:

The ideologies associated with the far right are fascism, Nazism, racial supremacists (especially neo-fascists and neo-Nazis group), religious extremists, and other ultra-nationalist or reactionary ideologies and movements.[5][6][7][8][9] The terms are often used to imply that someone is an extremist.
The term far right has been used by some, such as National Public Radio, to describe certain authoritarian governments that promote free market capitalism, such as that of Augusto Pinochet in Chile.[10][11] The BBC has called politician Pim Fortuyn's politics (Fortuynism) "far right" because of his policies on immigration and Muslims.[12]